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ELITE                              ISSUE 16, FEBRUARY 2020                          PAGE 2



                                   REAL SOCIAL JUSTICE

   Cairo   :   Ramy   Magdy,   Carolin   Sherief,   Rana   Doss,   Ner  mine   Tawfik

   and Sherry Asaad
   •   How   did   your   relationship   with   the   Faculty   of   Eco  nomic   and
   Political Science begin and why did you choose to s  tudy in it?

   -   During   my  high   school,   I   was   in   the  science   secti  on      and   wanted  to
   join   the  faculty   of  Engineering,   however,  my   dad's   friend   advised   me
   to   join   the   department   of   Statistics   in   the   faculty     of   Economics   and
   Political   Science   because   it   is   a   new   and   unique   ma  jor,   so   it   had   a
   bright   future.   When  the   results  came   out,   I   got   a   v  ery   high  score   that
   qualified   me   for   the   top  faculties   like  Medicine  an  d  Engineering  but   I
   preferred   to  join  Faculty  of   Economics   and  Politica  l   Science   to   enroll
   in the department of Statistics because I really lo  ved Mathematics.

   • Few people major in Statistics, and even fewer of   the graduates of
   this major are interested in pursuing a career in p  ublic service, tell
   us what did studying Statistics add to your charact  er and how does
   it affect any person?
   - Upon my graduation, I wasn't hired as a teaching   assistant right away,
   I   first   worked   in   the   Arab   League   of   States,   in   the     Statistics  I   see   that   it   is   better   for   these   centers   to   be   independent   from   the
   management   of   the   organization,   and   because   I   am   fl  uent  in   French   I  government  and  it   is  important  that  the  information  gathered  should
                                                               be  disseminated  as  the  monopoly  of  these  information  is  an  obstacle
   was transferred to work in the Arabic-European dial  ogue department in
                                                               to development.
   the   Arab   League,   in   which   I   kept   working   for   5   year  s,   during   this

   period I got my Master's degree and was hired as a   teaching assistant in
                                                               •   Lately,   your   name   has   been   linked   to   Baseera   (The  Egyptian
   the   faculty,   in   addition   to   that,   I   was   the   head   of     the   demographic
                                                               Public   Opinion  Research   Center)talk  to   us  more  about  Baseera
   center   for   a   year.   I   think   that   the   years   I   spent   i  n   the   Arab   League,
                                                               and what you aim to achieve through this institution?
   broadened my horizons and ignited my interest in th  e public affairs not

   just being a Statistician.
                                                               The   idea   behind   Baseera   has   been  on   my   mind  since   my   time   in  -
   The   turning   point   for   me,   was   when   I   started   workin  g   in   the
                                                               the  Information  Center,   I   thought  that   upon   my  retirement,  I  would
   information  center  for  the  Council  of   Ministers,   th  at  is   when  I  became
                                                               establish   an   independent  survey   center,  and   so,   I   followed   up   with
   very   interested   in   the   public  affairs   and   how  to  co  nnect   Statistics  with
                                                               many survey centers in the West before I started up Baseera with 11
   the   decision   making   process,  where  the  decisions  sh  ould  be   supported
                                                               of   my   colleagues   from   the   Academia   and   other   businessmen.   We
   with   data,  this  is  clear   in   the  name   of  the  unit  it  self  which  is  the  "The
                                                               established   the   center   as   a   corporate  and   not  as   an   organization,  in
   Council   Of   Minister's   Information   and   Decision   Supp  ort   Centre,"
                                                               April   2012,   and  the  time   of  the  first   presidential  elections  after   the
   where   I   found   that   many   decisions   weren't   supported    by   the   required
                                                               revolution,   and   so   we   started   conducting   surveys   through   the
   data   either   because   of   the   lack   of   the   data   itself   or   from   the   lack   of
                                                               telephone   about   the   presidential   candidates,   at   the   time,   Ahram
   analysts   for   these   data,  and   that  is   what   I   opted   t  o   achieve,   because   I
                                                               Newspaper   was   our   only   competitor   in   conducting   surveys   to   the
   believe   that   without   depending   on   data,   the   decisio  ns   will   never   be
                                                               people,   but   then   Al-Masry   Al-Youm   Newspaper   asked   for   the
   accurate,   so   during   my   time   in   the   center,   I   establ  ished   a   unit   for
                                                               results exclusively  and so they posted the results in the paper where
   conducting surveys through the telephone.
                                                               Ahmed   Shafik   got   20%   of   the   favor   of   the   population,   after   him
   I   worked   as  a  Minister  for   a   while,  then  returned  t  o  teaching   and  used
                                                               AbdelMoneimAboelFotoh   with   19%,   HamdeinSabahy   got   15%   of
   my experience to connect between Statistics and the   real world.
                                                               the   favor   of   the   population,   and   the   remaining   33%   answered   that
   The   importance   of   Statistical   indicators  stems   from    how   their   display
                                                               they   didn  ’ t   settle  on   which   candidate   to   vote   for,   and   so   Al-Masry
   of  Public  Opinion  specially  when  they're  conducted   professionally  and
                                                               Al-Youm   announced   that   Ahmed   Shafik   was   the   most   favored
   neutrally,   which   is   admittedly   a   very   big   obstacle   ahead   of   Survey
                                                               candidate   to   win   the   presidential   election,   not   taking   into
   centers  in  the  Arab   World   that  are   under  the  auspic  es   of  governments,
                                                                   consideration the majority of the population who haven't decided
   in which negative results are not welcomed, and as   a result,
     2    ﺔﺤﻔﺻ                                     ََِِ ﺮﻳاﺮﺒﻓ ،ُٔ دﺪﻌﻟا                                    ﺔﺒﺨﻨﻟا
           ELITE                             ISSUE 16, FEBRUARY 2020                          PAGE 2
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