Page 12 - Issue-16
P. 12

ELITE                              ISSUE 16, FEBRUARY 2020                         PAGE 12

        Intersectionality and

     Challenging the Idea of


                                                                              Dina Ibrahim
       This   article   seeks   to   raise  the   question   about  the   concept
       of   intersectionality   as   an   analytical   strategy.   Thi  s   term
                                                              FEPS Assistant Lecturer of Political
       challenges   the   idea   of   specialization   and   the
       epistemological   boundaries   of   studying   the   differen  t           Science
       phenomena   that   have   different   methods   and   strategie  s   in
       studying   phenomena   that   fall   within   their   scope.   Th  is
       comes   as   a   result   of   what   intersectionality   offers   as   a
                                                              The   understanding   of   these   phenomena   in   their
       strategy   for   analyzing  the   possibilities  and   capabi  lities   to
                                                              relationship   to   each   other   is   necessary   for
       research   the   phenomenon   we   study   considering   its
                                                              intersectionality   because   it   does   not   exclude   the
                                                                        POSITIONING AND
       intertwining with other phenomena.
                                                              understanding   of   phenomenon   to   only   one   dimension,
                                                                        TARGET MARKETS

                                                              but   it   includes   the   various   dimensions   in   the   analy  sis,
       The   concept   of   intersectionality   emerged   in   the   ear  ly
                                                              which   is   consistent   with   the   complex   nature   of   the
       twenty-first   century   to   become   the   focus   of
                                                              human phenomenon.
       interdisciplinary studies, women's studies, gender,   cultural
                                                              Intersectionality   may   be   seen   as   an   analytical   stra  tegy
       studies,   political   science,   history   and   other   tradi  tional
                                                              that  assures  the   necessity   of   studying   and  understa  nding
       fields.  However,  we  cannot  say  that   there  is  an  agr  eement
                                                              the  human   phenomenon   in  consideration  of  the   multip  le
       on  the  definition  of   this  term,  and   there   are  many   debates
                                                              dimensions   of   the   phenomenon.   Nevertheless,   it   is
       about   it.   Some   researchers   deal   with   it   as   a   concep  t,
                                                              treated   as   a   kind   of   methodological   incoherence   tha  t
       theory,  and  approach.   And   others   use  it  as  a   paradi  gm,   a
                                                              undermines   scientific   and   specialized   accuracy.   Som  e
       methodological tool, and as a strategy for analysis  .
                                                              scholars   see   that   it   leads   to   the   complexity   of   res  earch

                                                              and   the   useless   expansion   of   the   study,   but   it   rema  ins
       This   article   tends   to   look   at   intersectionality   as   an
                                                              unrealistic   to   consider   it   unscientific.   Rather,   it     may   be
       analytical   strategy,   and   therefore   adopts   the   follo  wing
                                                              useful   to   rethinking   of   the   matter   as   a   challenge   t  o   the
       definition:     the   set   of  ideas   and   practices   that   in  dividuals
                                                              idea   of   specialization   which   was   associated   with   th  e
       adopt   in   their   daily   lives.      These   ideas   and   practi  ces
                                                              development  of  social  sciences  and  scientific   progr  ess  to
       participate in shaping their perceptions and experi  ences.
                                                              match the state of natural sciences.

                                                              To   conclude,   intersectionality   does   not   deny   its   ne  ed   to
       This definition adopts a central belief in the impo  rtance of
                                                              develop   a   coherent   and   comprehensive   view   of   the
       these   ideas   and   practices   in   giving   us   a   deep
                                                              appropriate   methodologies   for   analysis,   but   at   the   same
       understanding   of   the   reality   and   the   differentiated
                                                              time  its  users  have  to  bear  the  difficulties  they  f  ace  when
       experiences  of  individuals   and  groups  that  dedicate    social
                                                              seriously   studying   other   phenomena   outside   their
       inequality.   For   example,   it   promotes   the   importance     of
       understanding   gender   in   terms   of   class,   age,   gender  ,

       environment   and   location,   as   they   are   interrelated   and
       complex phenomena.
       ELITE                             ISSUE 16, FEBRUARY 2020                          PAGE 12
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