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ELITELITE                      ISSUE 16, FEBRUARY 2020SSUE 16, FEBRUARY 2020  P               ﺔﺒﺨﻨﻟا
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     Michael Youssef Helmy, Fourth Level, Political Scie           nce

    At   first,  Adam   Smith  ’s  book  The  Wealth  of   Nations  might  seem  to
                                                             The   reason   for   that   is   that   even   if   we   take   Adam   Sm  ith   at   his   own
   be  an   argument   about   basic  economic  principles.  How  ever,  later  in  words, leaving all the problems that he did not tac  kle, free trade society
   the   book,   it   is   found   that   these   basic   concepts   are     numerous  would   continuously   cause   the   rise   of   this   merchant  ’s   class   who   will
                                                             keep   dominating  the   society.   Therefore,   Smiths  ’   own   solution   against
   observations  on  which  he  builds  a  controversial  soc  ial   and   political
   theory.   Adam   Smith   argues   that   the   basis   of   the   gro  wth   of  the   problem   at   stake  is   the   critical   factor   that   em  erged   the   problem  in
                                                             the   first  place.  This  argument  has  proved  itself  tr  ue  in  our  modern   era
   commercial  society  is   the  division  of  labor,   which   is  driven  by   self-
                                                             with   the   rise   of   free   trade   capitalist   market   that   Smith   was   pursuing.
   interest   not   benevolence.   He   emphasizes   that   if   eve  ryone   worked
                                                             Taking   Adam   Smith   at   his   own   words   in   which   he   has   depicted   the
   only to satisfy his/her needs and interests then th  at would benefit the
                                                             commercial  market  to  be   the   best  and  most   natural   t  ype   of  economies
   society   as   a   whole.   This   theory   is   consistent   till   the   middle   of   the
                                                             as it started since the beginning of humanity.
   text   where   it   faces   a   critical   problem.Smith   argues     that   there   is   a

   specific   class  in  the  society,  namely   the   merchants  ,  whose  interests
                                                              Moreover, he explained that through individual sel  f-interest, the whole
   diverge from the interest of the whole society.
                                                             society  could   benefit.  However,  looking  at  the  Midd  le   East  to  name  an

                                                             example, particularly Egypt, we could find that the   goal that Smith was
   This   poses   a   serious   problem   to   his   theory  because   now   whenever
                                                             pursuing  of  a  perfect  free  trade  was   the  main  reaso  n  of  the  rise  of  most
   the   merchants   act   according   to   their   self-interest   it   actually   harms
                                                             of   the   monopolies   in   Egypt   nowadays.   After   the   floa  tation   of   the
   the entire society as it opposes the collective int  erests of the society.
                                                             Egyptian  pound   in   2016   and   leaving  the  free  market   decide   the   prices
   Therefore,  it  could  argued  that  Smith  is  ultimately    writing  this  book
                                                             in   the   market,   Egypt   has   encountered   the   greatest   c  ontrol   of   the   rich
   to  advise  the  landlords,  who  run  the  country  at  tha  t  time,  against  the
                                                             people  on  the  economic,  social  and  political  issues    since  then.  The  free
   merchants  and  their  mercantile  system,  which  is   aga  inst  the   interest
                                                             market has strengthened the merchants rather than d  estroying them.
   of   the   society   and   would   lead   to   the   disruption   of   the   economic

   growth   of   the   society   and   its   well-being   in   the   lon  g   run.   Smith
                                                             Therefore,  the  introduction  of  the  free  market  in  E  gypt  has  developed
   instead proposes that Mercantilism should be rooted   out gradually to
   allow   for   the   division   of   labor   to   take   over.   He  im  agined   a   market
                                                             the state of the rich people and made the whole mar  ket in the hands of
   that   if   left   to   its   own   devices;   society   would   auto  matically   align
                                                             the  few  whose  interests,  as   Smith  argues,  is  agains  t  the   interest   of  the
   itself  through  an   “Invisible  Hand  ”  to  a  mechanism   where  individual
                                                             whole   society.   Therefore,   even   if   we   blindly   trust   the   Smithian
   interests  are  adjusted  to  feed  interests  of  society  .  Finally,  it  could  be
                                                             argument,  time  has  proved   that  his  solution   do  not   end   the  power  of
   concluded   that   Adam   Smith   solution   against   the   merc  hant   is   not
                                                             the merchants, it rather empowers them.

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