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ELITE                           ISSUE 16, FEBRUARY 2020                      PAGE 15

   A SEMESTER                              From Berlin:

   OUTSIDE FEPS                            Running   thoughts  ask   us   at   least   once   why   you   are   still   there?   W  hy   not  getting   back   to  your
                                           comfort zone? Why not just leave all that in a less than a second   without giving a try? And I felt
  Nouran Hossam
                                           like prey to that for some time. The more you keep fighting these thoughts   by engaging yourself

                                           in brand new activities the more they fade away; it is either you find   your real self in that battle
  FEPS Political Science Student- Fourth
                                           or you just get used to it. Leaving your place, and your people   for a while is not a mere decision
  Studying at Freie Universität Berlin     but   a   challenge   where   you  have   to   accept   it   genuinely   till   the   end     or   just   quit   it   all   before   it
  She is also a Founding Editor of ELITE
                                           starts. But sometimes you just need signs or omens that tell you;   “you are on the right track  ”.

                                           Like   many   students   at   Cairo   university   especially   FEPS,   I  have   bee  n   thinking  about   how   the
                                           educational  systems   in   the  developed  countries  work   and  how   do     they  differ  in  terms   of  many
                                           aspects. Through the previous months, I have been faced with   different cultures that I could not
                                           have anticipated their issues before. In the first week at the host univers  ity, I have been assigned
                                           the   same  amount   of  the  readings  that  we   are   entitled  to  finish  in  a  we  ek  at   FEPS  or  a  bit  more
                                           which  made   me  feel  less   suspicious  of  our  educational   style  at  FEP  S.   From  various  books,  and
                                           articles   the   first   one   I   picked   to   read   is   prepared   in   cooperation   with   a   group   of   notable
                                           professors   from   different   continents   and   one   of   them   is   Dr   Amal   H  amada   and   the   work   was
                                           wholly arranged between a foreign research Centre and the Cen  tre for middle eastern and North
                                           African  politics   with   the   logo   of  FEPS   on   the   cover   page   which   left  me  astonished  at   the   first
                                           sight  but  content,  and   proud  for   the  rest  of  the  day.  Through   the  discussions,  the   students  were
                                           not  talking  about  outsider   matters   but   things   that  we   have   tackled   o  n   the   gradual   basis   for  the
                                           past   4   years,   they   are   no   different   as   we   may   think   at   some   p  oints   but   students   who   have
                                           passion and commitment just as we do.

                                            Also, for the part of the Academia  ’s environment, I have never felt the differences between the
                                           developed   and   the   developing   countries   as   I   have   expected   bef  ore.   In  FEPS   we   are   up   to   date
                                           when  it   comes  to  the  researches  arena  and  we  have   the  same    ability  as  any   entity  else  and  even
                                           more if we pushed ourselves to.
                                           Expecting   any   less   from   my   faculty   was   not   a   real   thought   throug  hout   my   whole   academic
                                           years,   I   have   always   thought   how   our   place   is   unique   and   ho  w   are   the   surroundings   and   the
                                           people different in such respectable way. But I had that feeling   there could be better things even
                                           though,  not  all  the  upgrading  processes  happen  immediately,  there    are  a  lot  of  things  that  could
                                           be modified in a positive way.
                                           Being  in  new  surroundings  would  lead  you  to  think  about  your  orig  inal  place  and  compare  it  to
                                           others   not  for   the   sake   of   disaffection  but   for  the  sake  of   improve  ment.  One  of   the   issues  that
                                           we need to reconsider it is the evaluation system criteria, in which it ca  n totally change how we
                                           perceive   the   educational   system   as   students   and   how   we   look   at   ourselves   as   human   beings.
                                           where   the   grading  system  in  other   developed  countries  differ  fro  m  ours   in   terms   of  the  aim   or
                                           the   goal   behind   the   evaluation   which   is   reflected   upon   it   on   the   g  rading   mechanisms   in   the
                                           educational   systems   where   the   grades   could   not  be   the   only   genu  ine   criterion   of  the   students
                                           understanding   and   absorption   degrees   but   the   practice   and   exp  erience   not   only   exams   and
                                           quizzes.   That   is   something   completely   perceivable   when   we   conside  r   that   our   real   scope   in
                                           sciences  is  researching  which  depends  mainly   on  the  practices   of   academic  research,  especially
                                           in the political science department.

                                           I   believe   that  we  could  go  on  in  our  ways  continuing   in   enhanc  ing   our   situation,   not  solely   by
                                           comparing   ourselves   to   the   others   but   by   having   our   own   unique     and   original   vision   of
                                           ourselves and what we need to be as well as the will of being committed.

             ELITE                            ISSUE 16, FEBRUARY 2020                      PAGE  15
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