Page 18 - Issue 66
P. 18
Volume 1 ELITE ISSUE 66
In fact, the role of the United Nations in the human rights abuses committed by other states
Israeli-Palestinian conflict has become in the MENA region, such as Syria. In
increasingly marginalized over the years. contrast, Guterres has been far more willing to
Many resolutions condemning Israeli actions criticize Israel, particularly for its actions since
over the decades had been passed by the the 7th of October. His initial refusal to
Security Council. These resolutions, however, explicitly condemn the Iranian attack on Israel
are routinely ignored by Israel, which views was seen as the last straw by the Israeli
them as evidence of anti-Israel bias within the government, leading to the decision to ban him
international body. Israel, backed by the from the country. This situation truly shows
diplomatic support of the United States, has Israel’s expectations from any international
been able to float these resolutions with little figure. Those who offer even mild criticism are
consequence. One of the most prominent seen as hostile and anti-Semitic while those who
examples is Resolution 242, passed in the show sympathy and compassion despite any
aftermath of the Naksa in 1967. Despite this circumstances are “fair” and “true”. Lastly,
clear mandate, Israel has continued to occupy Israel’s actions towards international criticizers
and settle large portions of the West Bank, in raise a hypothetical question: Would the
direct contravention of international law. The United States, Israel’s closest ally, be the next
United Nations has been left in a position target of Israeli defiance? The U.S. has long
where it can issue condemnations and pass been Israel’s strongest supporter on the global
resolutions, but it lacks the power to enforce stage either by providing billions of dollars in
them. This impotence has not only weakened military aid or offering a political cover for
the UN’s standing in Israel but has further Israeli actions that have been condemned by
damaged its reputation globally. much of the world. If a future U.S.
The contrast between António Guterres and administration were to adopt a more critical
his predecessor, Ban Ki-moon truly shows stance towards Israel, could it face the same
Israel’s expectations of the UN. Ban, who hostility that the UN and the British
served as UN Secretary-General from 2007 to government has experienced? This is not an
2016, took a notably different approach to entirely far-fetched scenario. Israel’s current
Israel. He publicly criticized what he saw as government, led by Netanyahu, has
an anti-Israel bias within the UN. demonstrated a willingness to defy even its
closest allies when it perceives that they are not
acting in Israel’s best interests. If the U.S. were
to push for greater accountability from Israel it
is not inconceivable that Israel could respond
with the same defiance?
He argued that the organization needed to be
more balanced in its approach, and he called
for greater attention to be paid to