Page 14 - Issue 66
P. 14
Volume 1 ELITE ISSUE 66
The most marking part of the UN speech is In addition, Netanyahu’s speech came after
when the Prime Minster showed 2 comparing the Jewish state to Nazi Germany
controversial maps describing the Middle and comparing Netanyahu to Hitler, which
East, in order to convince the world and changes the narrative that a portion of the
justify Israel’s right to defend itself. One has previously tortured, marginalized and killed
shown the “blessing” visualizing Arab states population in the Holocaust, has become the
that have either made peace with Israel or aggressor with genocidal motives to end the
appeared likely to do so before Hamas’s Palestinian population. The Prime Minister
“atrocities” on October 7. Some may classified these claims under the antisemitic
interpret this map as primary model of the umbrella, and accused the UN to be the hub
Zionist plan of establishing “Greater Israel” for antisemitism, he said “Until Israel, until
expanding from the Nile river to the the Jewish State, is treated like other nations,
Euphrates and Tigris rivers. The other map, until this antisemitic swamp is drained, the
described as the “curse” highlighting Iran’s UN will be viewed by fair-minded people
“tentacles” manipulating its proxies in Syria, everywhere as nothing more than a
Iraq, Yemen, Palestine and Lebanon who contemptuous farce” he also described the
are menacing global trade, regional stability UN as an “anti-Israel society” where there is a
and international security. In the light of “majority willing to demonize Israel”. This
this, Israel’s presence in the region and antisemitic label has been used to shut
“moral” war against Iran is legitimate. The anything that goes against the undeniable
Prime minister wants to portray his state as Zionist propaganda, this term is aimed to
a peaceful where its presence in the Middle convince the world but mainly European
East will ensure peace and stability of Israel countries and “Mama America” to continue
and its “Arab Neighbors” and not fragment financing Israel’s well founded and well
it and invade it. justified war against evil: they are the bad
guys, not us...!