Page 17 - Issue 66
P. 17

Volume 1                              ELITE                                          ISSUE 66

      Israel  now  demands  unconditional  support              This  conflict  between  Israel  and  the  UN
      from  the  organization,  particularly  in  the           reminds us of a similar dynamic from Israel’s
      context  of  its  genocide  in  both  Gaza  and           pre-state  era,  specifically  during  the  time  of
      Lebanon. Any criticism or attempt by the UN               the British Mandate. After World War I, the

      to  hold  Israel  accountable  for  actions  that         League  of  Nations  granted  Britain  control
      clearly  violate  international  law  is  met  with       over Palestine. The British strongly supported
      disdain and accusations of bias. The irony here           the  Zionist  cause,  most  notably  through  the

      is  that  the  very  institution  that  granted  Israel   Balfour Declaration of 1917, which promised
      the  legitimacy  to  become  a  sovereign  state  is      the establishment of a "national home for the
      now perceived by Israel as an adversary. This             Jewish people" in Palestine. However with the
      contradiction becomes even funnier when one               growing waves of Jewish immigration, Britain
      considers the UN’s original intent: to provide a          attempted  to  limit  Zionist  ambitions.  In

      platform for dialogue, peace, and international           response,  militant  Zionist  groups  such  as
      cooperation. For Israel, the UN’s value seems             Irgun  and  Lehi  (the  Stern  Gang)  launched
      to  lie  only  in  its  ability  to  reinforce  Israel’s  violent campaigns against British rule. One of

      actions  even  when  they  result  in  a  massacre.       the most infamous incidents was the bombing
      Israel's stance towards the UN has become one             of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946,
      of  entitlement,  where  only  unconditional              which  served  as  the  British  administrative
      support  is  acceptable,  and  any  form  of              headquarters.  The  attack,  carried  out  by
      criticism—no matter how measured or justified             Irgun, killed 91 people and was a direct act of

      —is  seen  as  “anti-Semitism”.  Israel’s  defiance       defiance  against  British  attempts  to  limit
      of the United Nations has also had its impacts            Zionist aspirations.
      on its workers. 134 local UN employees have

      been killed during Israeli military operations in
      Gaza.     The    targeting    of    UN/UNRWA
      personnel  underscores  the  broader  issue  of
      Israel’s disregard for international norms.

                                                                So  as  we  see  now,  just  as  Israel  once  turned

                                                                against  the  British,  who  had  helped  the
                                                                Zionists to settle in Palestine, it is now defying
                                                                the  UN,  the  very  institution  that  helped

                                                                legitimize its statehood. In both cases, Israel’s
        The  UN’  staffs  attempts  to  provide
                                                                leadership  rejected  external  attempts  to
      humanitarian assistance but they have become
                                                                regulate or limit its actions, instead resorting
      collateral  damage  along  with  the  Gazans  -
                                                                to a strategy of defiance and confrontation.
      Children,  women,  elderly-  to  kill  that
      mysterious  Hamas  leader  hidden  in  a  more
      mysterious place.
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