Page 9 - Issue 64
P. 9

Vol.1 Issue 64                                                            ÉLITE

              Of     course,    not    all   subjects    are     through  the  interviews,  and  that  in
              entertaining for all people, but enjoy your        the  end,  those  who  encouraged  her
              favorite  subjects  and  study  the  other         for  her  research  paper  that  won  the

              subjects because they are still useful and         award  were  her  professors  in  the
              you  will  discover  that  later,  such  as        Economics  Department.  She  also
              econometrics. We did not know what we              mentioned  that  the  professors,  the
              would do with what we studied through              support  she  received,  and  their  lack

              it,  but  its  concepts  are  extremely            of  stinginess  with  information  is  a
              important.  You  have  to  make  an  effort,       very distinctive factor for our faculty
              because  faculty  is  not  a  school.  The         in particular. Dr. Asmaa thanked, in
              student has to make most of the effort to          particular,    her    professors      and

              understand  and  access  information,  and         colleagues,          the          faculty
              you  have  to  read  different  books  and         administration,  Dr.  Hanan  Hassan,
              readings. In the end, Dr. Asmaa and the            and  Dr.  Ramy  Magdy  for  their
              interviewers  exchanged  thanks.  Dr.              support of the achievements made by

              Asmaa  thanked  the  faculty  and  the             faculty  members,  which  encourages
              magazine       for    their   interest    and      them to develop.
              motivation for the faculty members.


                                                                                                   July 2024, p.9
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