Page 6 - Issue 64
P. 6

Vol.1 Issue 64                                                            ÉLITE

              I was part of the team that developed the  I was also an assistant coordinator in
              five-year  plan.  I  learned  how  ministries the cooperation program between the
              achieve  their  goals  and  how  to  arrange faculty         and    the    University     of

              their  priorities  to  achieve  the  required Hamburg,  and  this  contributed  to
              growth  rates.  I  worked  in  collecting  data learning  about  a  different  field
              such  as  the  level  of  contribution  of  the between law and economics.
              public  sector  and  the  private  sector  to

              national  income,  as  well  as  various Because  of  this  trip,  I  made  new
              industries  and  agriculture.  Now  I  have friends  and  got  to  know  different
              returned  to  the  National  Institute  of professors. I had the honor of getting
              Management         as    Director     of    the to  know  Professor  Stifelvokt,  who

              Governance  Center.  We  are  responsible was  the  supervisor  of  my  doctoral
              for monitoring the country’s performance thesis, and I benefited a lot from him.
              in  governance  indicators.  We  publish Currently, I work as a coordinator for
              annual reports containing 14-26 indicators the  cooperation  program  between

              to     monitor       Egypt’s     performance UNICEF  and  the  faculty,  through
              throughout  the  year.  We  also  publish  a which we work to raise awareness and
              magazine  and  enhance  the  culture  of the  importance  of  working  for
              governance.                                       children,  adolescents,  and  youth.  We

              I  think  that  merging  the  two  ministries provided training for students to work
              will help avoid any overlap in the tasks of for  UNICEF.  We  also  work  on  the
              the Ministry of Planning and the Ministry relationship  of  economic  conditions
              of  Economic  Development.  There  were to children and adolescents. We hold

              common tasks but merging them limits the a  conference  every  year  to  present
              repetition of those tasks.                        research  papers  on  the  impact  of
                                                                various economic, political and social
              There  is  no  doubt  that  your  professional aspects  on  youth,  adolescents  and

              career  is  impressive.  What  are  the  most children.  This  was  a  turning  point
              influential milestones in it?                     because  I  gained  a  network  of
                                                                acquaintances  in  different  places.  I
              Firstly,  my  progression  in  the  faculty  is think  that  my  teaching  at  private

              one of the important milestones in my life. universities  such  as  New  Giza
              As  for  my  professional  milestones,  the University            and     the    American
              first  is  becoming  director  of  the University  gave  me  experience  in
              Governance  Center  at  the  National teaching different types of students. In

              Institute of Management.                          my field of governance, I was exposed
                                                                to dealing with African parties in the .

                                                                                                   July 2024, p.6
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