Page 8 - Issue 64
P. 8

Vol.1 Issue 64                                                            ÉLITE

              benefit from these experiences so that we  If I am fully convinced of what I am
              can  develop  an  action  plan  to  achieve doing, I will do my best and succeed.
              economic development.                             Unfortunately,  many  of  our  faculty

              As for scientific research in Egypt, it has graduates  look  for  any  job,  and  I
              developed  greatly.  In  the  past,  research appreciate this, but these jobs are less
              was difficult, and data was more difficult than  their  abilities  and  skills,  but  I
              to  obtain.  I  see  the  process  of  scientific advise  them  to  seek  a  job  that  is

              research as a process of learning through appropriate for their skills. We have a
              experience.     Publishing     research    was mistaken  idea  that  our  jobs  are  like
              difficult;  Publication  was  limited  to  local the jobs of graduates of the Faculty of
              research,  a  department  conference,  or  a Commerce,  but  they  have  their  own

              faculty     conference,     but     now,     all specializations  in  which  they  excel,
              researchers  seek  international  publication but        our    faculty    graduates     are
              in  highly  ranked  journals  registered  in researchers  who  have  analytical  and
              well-known  databases.  The  procedures research skills that must be exploited.

              became  extremely  transparent  and  there Not giving up, looking for a job that I
              was interest in plagiarism as not all people love and giving it my full energy, and
              knew what plagiarism is and how to avoid not striving for material, though it is
              it.  International  publishing  obligates  the difficult  due  to  the  current  financial

              researcher  to  adhere  to  standards  and circumstances,  but  this  is  should  not
              integrity in scientific writing. Although, of be the main factor, but looking to the
              course,  we  aspire  for  the  quality  of future and how I will develop. Having
              research  to  be  higher,  because  there  are aspirations for the best and exploiting

              still  weak  journals  that  are  published  for capabilities
              the  sake  of  money,  but  there  is  a  very As for the advice to students... do not
              great development.                                think  about  grades,  benefit  from  the
                                                                courses.  I  know  that  a  lot  of  our

              What is your advice to faculty students and concern  is  the  pursuit  of  grades,  and
              graduates  in  the  labor  market  and  the this  is  common  among  all  students.
              challenges they face now?                         This  will  actually  happen  if  you  like
                                                                what  you  studied  and  understand  it,

              The first piece of advice is for the student and  not  just  studying  for  the  exam
              to  look  for  a  job  that  he  is  passionate and then forgetting what was studied.
              about. I know that this is not easy, but the Take  advantage  of  the  courses
              saying “Love what you do so you can do because  you  will  use  them  later  in

              what you love” is very important.                 your life.

                                                                                                   July 2024, p.8
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