Page 12 - Issue 64
P. 12
Vol.1 Issue 64 ÉLITE
Financial Inclusion and Sustainable Development:
Achievements and Services of Banque Misr
In recognition of the critical importance She then highlighted the historical
of Financial Inclusion and in alignment background of Banque Misr, which was
with Egypt's Vision 2030 for its established in 1920 by the pioneering
Sustainable Development Strategy, the economist Talaat Harb Pacha. Dr.
Faculty of Economics and Political Biltagy noted that Banque Misr is the first
Science hosted Mr. Tamer Abdel Fattah Egyptian bank to be entirely founded and
Hamouda, Director of Banque Misr's owned by Egyptians. Its inception aimed
Cairo University branch, and Mr. to bolster economic growth, propel the
Hamada Abdel Rahman, Sales and nation towards development, and
Customer Service Manager at Banque reinvigorate the business landscape
Misr, for a seminar titled "Financial following the British occupation.
Inclusion and Sustainable Development:
Achievements and Services of Banque Mr. Tamer Hamouda emphasized that
Misr." The event took place in Sawiris Banque Misr is truly a bank for all
Hall on Tuesday, April 30, 2024. Egyptians, boasting a large network of
branches spread across the entire country.
Dr. Marwa Mohamed Shibl Biltagy, Vice He praised the presence of a branch at
Dean of the College for Postgraduate Cairo University, noting that it provides
Studies and Research and the seminar's numerous banking services to university
moderator, commenced the event by students, saving them considerable time
extending a warm welcome and words of and effort.
gratitude to the attendees.
July 2024, p.12