Page 26 - Issue 64
P. 26
Vol.1 Issue 64 ÉLITE
suggesting that it will only complement reducing the need for customer service
human work. A group of experts at the employees. According to the World
International Monetary Fund conducted Economic Forum's Future of Jobs 2023
an analysis of this matter in which they report, by 2027, nearly a quarter of the
concluded that about 40% of jobs are current jobs around the world will
exposed to AI and that developed countries experience change as a result of
are the most vulnerable to the effects of AI technological change and artificial
on the labor market due to its ability to intelligence. This will translate into the
perform jobs that require high skills, as the creation of 69 million new jobs and the
percentage of jobs exposed to AI in elimination of 83 million other jobs with
developed countries reached about 60%, an estimated growth rate of 10.2% and a
half of them will benefit from AI and decline of 12%, which means an estimated
increase its productivity, and the other half decrease of about 14 million jobs or 2%
of the jobs will be performed by AI. As for of current employment. Data analysts,
developing and low-income countries, the data scientists, big data specialists, AI
impact of AI on the labor market there, machine learning specialists, and cyber
whether positively or negatively, will be security specialists are among the jobs
limited due to the lack of readiness of these expected to grow significantly in the
countries in terms of infrastructure and coming period. The field of big data
readiness to receive it. However, this does analysis also ranks first among the
not mean that these countries will not be technologies that are seen as a source of
affected by AI in any way, but rather that it job creation, in addition to jobs related to
will create a gap in income levels and e-commerce. In contrast, AI will
inequality, as developed countries using AI contribute to the disappearance of some
will have higher productivity and therefore jobs such as secretaries, bank window
higher incomes. AI has two roles: clerks, and customer service. In short, AI
complementary, reinforcing and plays an important role in reshaping the
substitutive. The complementary and labor market in the current and
reinforcing role lies in the fact that it can upcoming years, so despite its many
enhance the efficiency of workers and advantages that we enjoy now, which are
increase their productivity by doing routine also expected to increase, we must direct
work, giving workers an opportunity to our attention to the challenges related to
focus on complex work, for example in the loss of some jobs and try to look for
industry, where robots can do dangerous quick solutions to this issue before these
work, thus preserving human life and millions lose their jobs with the need to
increasing its productive efficiency. The take into account education; educating
substitution role is when AI replaces future generations and training current
humans in all job tasks, such as self-driving generations so that the chances of losing
cars, which over time reduces the number their jobs are reduced and the income gap
of drivers, and also in customer service, is also reduced.
when AI solves traditional customer issue,
July 2024, p.26