Page 24 - Issue 64
P. 24
Vol.1 Issue 64 ÉLITE
conventional state notions. Founded on functioning government and infrastructure
principles of individual liberty and free- on its land. By suggesting a land exchange,
market economics, Liberland promises a Liberland tried to settle the border conflict
minimal government with a flat tax rate with Serbia in 2022. Liberland proposed that
and minimal regulations. This approach, Serbia recognize it as an independent state in
built on the concept of "terra nullius" return for a portion of its territory. This
(unclaimed land), has attracted effort, nevertheless, was unable to end the
cryptocurrency enthusiasts and those dispute. Liberland continues to face
seeking an alternative to existing significant legal and political challenges in
governments. Liberland aspires to become its pursuit of international recognition and
a center for innovation and the establishment of a viable nation. Several
entrepreneurship, utilizing blockchain examples of micronations are still in
technology and fostering a culture of self- existence today such as Sealand and
responsibility and environmental Molossia. Others have collapsed, like the
conservation. Nevertheless, challenges Kingdom of Elleore. Establishing a
remain. Serbia and Croatia both claim micronation is not as easy as it might
ownership of the area that was used to initially seem. Hence, if you're bored this
construct Liberland. Under international summer, pursue a hobby you enjoy or an
treaties and historical maps, Serbia regards activity that benefits your body and mind,
the island of Gjirijevice, the birthplace of travel and explore the world, read a book
Liberland, as part of its territory. that stimulates your intellect, spend time
Supported by the United Nations with friends and family, clean up your room,
Convention on the Law of the Sea, Croatia clean up your room, assists your parents
claims that the island is under its authority with household chores, or even watching a
because it is located inside its economic movie to clear your head. And don't get
zone in the Danube River. No UN member carried away with those nonsense ideas
state has recognized Liberland again.
internationally as a result of this debate. It
has also had trouble setting up a
July 2024, p.24