Page 25 - Issue 64
P. 25
Vol.1 Issue 64 ÉLITE
The ai revolution:transforming jobs and
shaping the future labor market
Sarah Mohamed Mahmoud- Third level- Economics major
Artificial intelligence plays a pivotal role which depends on teaching machines and
in our lives now in various fields, as most devices to deduce themselves without the
of us have been exposed to it at least once need for human intervention and
or used it. Since the emergence of the programming and aims to simulate human
fourth industrial revolution, societies and intelligence. Artificial intelligence consists
countries began trying to change and of 6 branches, namely machine learning,
adapt to the new situation for fear of where systems learn from data and improve
falling behind the rest of the countries, their performance over time. There are also
especially the developed countries that neural networks that simulate the brain
have the factors that qualify them to and are able to recognize patterns and
adopt AI. Despite the impressive and make predictions, robotics, which includes
rapid progress achieved by AI in the designing and developing robots to
recent period, such as improving decision- perform specific tasks, in addition to expert
making, creating new job opportunities, systems that simulate the ability to make
and increasing efficiency and decisions, as well as fuzzy logic that is used
productivity, there are questions about to deal with ambiguous information, and
the extent of its impact on jobs and the finally natural language processing, which
labor market. As it is difficult to predict enables machines to understand and deal
the future of artificial intelligence and the with human language. Since AI started
change it will bring because it differs from penetrating the labor market, it has
automation, which is defined as a system brought about many changes as it is
that relies on programming to determine reshaping the nature of work. There are
its rules and performs only routine tasks, many studies predicting that it will
i.e. it cannot deduce itself, unlike AI, completely replace jobs and others
July 2024, p.25