Page 23 - Issue 64
P. 23

Vol.1 Issue 64                                                            ÉLITE

              I'm afraid to inform you that it is not that    parliament  and  council.  However,  as  a
              simple.  Building  your  nation  can  be  a     virtual  entity,  Asgardia  faces  challenges,
              difficult  road,  and  getting  international   primarily  the  lack  of  physical  land.  Its
              recognition  might  be  the  largest  challenge.  administrative center is currently on Earth,
              Your    country    becomes     just   another   specifically     in     Vienna,     Austria.
              "unrecognized country" if it does not receive   Additionally,     it   lacks   international
              international recognition. Furthermore, it is   recognition    from     established   states.
              hard to locate a piece of land not controlled   Questions  also  arise  regarding  laws
              by another nation. Our morality forbids us      implementation  or  governance  for  its
              from  occupying  territory  that  is  not  ours,  citizens  in  space.  The  future  of  Asgardia
              committing genocide against a population to     depends  on  its  capacity  to  establish  a
              seize  land  and  establish  our  rule  over  it.  physical  presence  in  space,  perhaps
              First,  let's  define  what  a  micronation  is,  a  through its satellites or alliances with space

              micronation  is  a  political  entity  whose    agencies. The complexities of establishing a
              representatives  declare  it  to  be  an        micronation seem to grow. However, in the
              independent nation or sovereign state, but it   era  of  technology  and  advancements  in
              lacks  legal  recognition  from  any  sovereign  space  science,  where  space  travel  has
              state. Micronations often exist online or on    become  more  accessible  and  we  witness
              a small piece of land. Yes, you read it right,  space  tourism  and  endless  research  on
              you  may  construct  your  nation  online.      other  planets  to  determine  which  are
              However,  it's  important  to  notice  that  you  habitable, creating a space nation becomes
              are  creating  a  micronation  rather  than  a  more feasible.
              state  in  the  conventional  sense,  and  you
              should  be  aware  that  the  international
              community will not recognize your claims to
              sovereignty. The Kingdom of Asgardia, also
              known as the Space Kingdom of Asgardia,
              is the first space kingdom in history and an
              example  of  a  micronation.  Although  they
              live on Earth, its people, the Asgardians, are
              citizens of this nation situated in space. Igor

              Ashurbeyli,  a  Russian  billionaire,  founded
              Asgardia  in  October  2016  to  create  a
              prosperous  and  peaceful  space  nation  for   Let's  explore  another  example  of  a
              humanity. The Kingdom of Asgardia has its       micronation,  not  in  the  vast  expanse  of
              constitution,  flag,  and  national  anthem.  It  space  but  on  our  beautiful  planet  Earth.
              even  maintains  a  social  media  presence  on  Situated on a small piece of land between
              Instagram,    Facebook,     and    YouTube.     Serbia  and  Croatia  lies  Liberland.  It  was
              Anyone  over  eighteen  can  apply  for         proclaimed in 2015 and is a daring attempt
              citizenship online, and there is a registered   at self-governance that goes beyond

                                                                                                  July 2024, p.23
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