Page 6 - Issue 62
P. 6

Ramadan            Vol.1 Issue 62 December 2023                                          ELITE

   Kareem         Q9: Finally, who is Dr. Khair grateful to?

                  I  feel  the  utmost  gratitude  for  my  mother
                  who  nurtured  me  and  my  siblings  with  all
                  care,  and  kept  our  modest  home  open  after
                  the  passing  of  my  father,  may  God  have
                  mercy  on  him.  She  allowed  me  to  enjoy  the
                  company of my college friends and colleagues
                  in  our  home  on  many  beautiful  occasions.    Before  the  end  of  the  interview,  I  have  a
                  My  gratitude  extends  to  my  dear  wife,  my   message for my student sons and daughters: let
                  support in every time and place.                  us always remember the vital role of youth in

                                                                    building advanced nations through continuous
                  Professionally, I am grateful to Ambassador       armament with science and scientific research,
                  Osama El-Baz, may God have mercy on him,          and ongoing training and qualification for life,
                  from  whom  I  learned  much  about  humility     institutionally  and  personally,  to  build
                  and    high    professionalism.   He     would    cognitive  and  mental  skills  to  keep  pace  with

                  introduce  me  to  foreign  delegations  as  his  the tremendous scientific progress in all aspects
                  assistant despite my junior diplomatic rank.      of life. I call on my student sons and daughters
                                                                    to  be  a  wall  of  defense  against  attempts  to
                    Also,  Ambassador  Dr.  Mustafa  El-Fiqi,  a    break  national  cohesion,  and  to  use  social
                  great  support  to  me  both  domestically  and   media in positive ways so as not to become a
                  abroad,  with  whom  I  had  the  honor  of       tool  of  destruction;  the  safety  valve  in  facing
                  beautiful  fellowship  in  more  than  one        challenges  is  to  arm  oneself  with  science  and
                  position.  And  Ambassador  Mohamed  Anis,        scientific research and to maintain inclusiveness
                  with  whom  I  worked  and  learned  from  his    and national cohesion.
                  high     intellectual   craftsmanship      and
                  methodology,  and  enjoyed  his  company  in      I express my boundless gratitude to the Faculty
                  travel,  organizing,  and  executing  training    of  Economics  and  Political  Science  and  my
                  courses. Ambassador Hani Khallaf taught me        great confidence that it will continue its noble
                  a lot and provided me with all the help when      mission  in  building  human  capital  based  on

                  I   applied    for   the   diplomatic    corps    science,  research,  and  innovation  to  enable
                  competition;  he  is  an  experienced  diplomat   society  to  participate  in  the  production  of
                  and  a  distinguished  writer.  I  must  also     knowledge,  enlightenment,  and  development.
                  mention  my  classmate  and  lifelong  friend,    My  gratitude  continues  to  the  faculty  that
                  Ambassador Abdel Fattah Az El-Din, a man          allows  me  the  opportunity  to  participate
                  of  beautiful  values  and  a  role  model  for   through  teaching  and  discussing  scientific
                  many.                                             theses.

                                                                      I  must  also  express  my  appreciation  to  the
                                                                    esteemed  faculty  professors  for  their  sincere
                                                                    and  customary  cooperation.  Thanks  and
                                                                    appreciation to the truly distinguished editorial
                                                                    board of the journal, in character, knowledge,
                                                                    and  work.  And  finally,  a  well-deserved  thank
                                                                    you to Professor Dr. Hanan Hassan, the acting
       6                                                            dean of the Faculty of Economics and Political
                                                                    Science,  for  her  tireless  and  sincere  efforts  to
                                                                    continue  carrying  out  the  mission  of  the

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