Page 3 - Issue 62
P. 3
Ramadan Vol.1 Issue 62 December 2023 ELITE
Ambassador Dr. Khair El-Din Abdel Latif, former Assistat Minister of
Foreign Affairs of Egypt meets ELITE
Youssef moussa-maRiem el safety- Rana Ahmed
In an enriching interview with a distinguished Q2: How was your daily life as a student and your relationship
figure who has contributed significantly to with your professors and simulation models?
Egyptian diplomacy over the course of nearly Daily life as a student was rich and built on relationships of
four decades, we delve into the life of a man affection and mutual respect. This was facilitated by the small
born in Sohag province. Fueled by a passion class size; we were about fifty students in the Political Science
for knowledge and success, he was among the department, and we were like family to each other, visiting one
top students nationwide in the general another, participating in activities and trips. Each student had
secondary examination. He graduated from their own unique qualities, excelling academically and in various
the Faculty of Economics and Political activities such as literary and political writing, excursions,
Science at Cairo University and then joined scouting, and acting.
the diplomatic corps, where he earned the top
spot in his class at the Institute of Diplomatic I became the president of the Student Union, which provided me
Studies despite joining the institute late due to with extensive experience and great self-confidence. This role
the October War circumstances. allowed me to interact with the esteemed late Dr. Refaat El-
Mahgoub, who was the dean of the faculty, and from whom I
learned a great deal, may God have mercy on him. I also learned
Always in pursuit of excellence, he also much from Dr. Mohyi El-Din El-Ghareeb, may God have mercy
obtained a law degree from Cairo University. on him, who was the pioneer of the Student Union. One of the
Throughout his academic and professional most important lessons I learned from my experience with the
life, he has held numerous senior positions Student Union was the ability to prepare agendas, manage
and garnered a multitude of awards and meetings, draft with precision, and reconcile conflicting opinions.
honors. In this issue, we speak with As for sports activities, I was on the college football team and also
Ambassador Dr. Khair El-Din Abdel-Latif, won a marathon championship. Sports were an important part of
the former Assistant Minister of Foreign our lives.
Regarding the relationship with our esteemed professors, it was
Q1: How did your relationship with the very friendly, based on a paternal spirit, concern for students’
faculty start, and why did you choose joining interests, and proper guidance. They were truly role models for us
it? with their knowledge, thought, and character. Indeed, a teacher is
Being among the top ten students nationwide, never forgotten; a professor is always a role model in knowledge,
my family advised me to enroll in the Faculty treatment, and guidance. The interactive relationship based on
of Economics and Political Science. Indeed, mutual respect between professor and student is the valve for
this faculty holds a special place in my heart building and preparing generations for a better future for the
and mind, as it has taught me a great deal country within the equation that relies on the university, the
academically and practically. I gained professor, and the student.
3 significant experience through the various
activities offered by the faculty throughout the
year, making it one of the places dearest to my