Page 5 - Issue 62
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Ramadan            Vol.1 Issue 62 December 2023                                          ELITE

   Kareem          Q6:  Amidst  the  current  international  and  regional  Q8: You have recently been interested in the relationship

                   landscape,  Egypt,  like  all  nations,  faces  a  world  that  is
                                                                      between culture and diplomacy, and Egypt has long been a
                   dynamic.  What  are  the  obstacles  and  opportunities  does  beacon of cultural diplomacy. What is your assessment of
                   Egypt have?                                        that  cultural  role  currently,  and  what  are  the  promising
                                                                      powers in this regard and their most important tools?
                   The world is undergoing intense volatility and turmoil, so
                   much  so  that  experts  refer  to  it  as  VUCA,  a  term  that  I have a strong passion in two areas: cultural diplomacy in
                   stands  for  Volatile,  Uncertain,  Complex,  Ambiguous.  international  relations,  and  sustainability  and  sustainable
                   Today’s  world  is  characterized  by  fluidity,  uncertainty,  development.  Climate  change  is  the  most  serious  issue
                   and  obscurity,  which  means  that  traditional  methods  in  facing humanity, and most issues and problems are a result
                   international  relations  are  no  longer  effective  in  of  it,  whether  in  the  field  of  food,  health,  migration,
                   addressing  challenges.  There  is  a  need  for  new  and  conflicts and wars, or the threat to the existence of states.
                   effective diplomatic skills, as well as prudence and wisdom  Culture  is  the  driver  of  international  relations,  and  the
                   in decision-making. We thank God that this is available in  driver of the concept of identity and selfhood that causes
                   the case of Egypt, which faces enormous challenges on all  conflicts and wars (think of Hitler and World War II, and
                   fronts.  Like  many  countries,  Egypt  faces  significant  the  conflict  in  Bosnia  and  Herzegovina  and  ethnic
                   challenges  exacerbated  by  the  COVID-19  pandemic,  the  cleansing).  The  cultural  dimension  is  indispensable  in
                   war in Ukraine, and the Gaza crisis. The real support for  raising awareness and promoting a culture of peace, which
                   Egypt in facing these challenges is the will of the people,  are  essential  requirements  for  achieving  sustainable
                   their social cohesion, sense of belonging, and love for the  development.
                   country—values  known  about  Egyptians  since  ancient
                   times.  In  this  regard,  I  call  on  my  student  sons  and  Returning to cultural power, it is the power of persuasion
                   daughters to be a wall of defense against anyone seeking  and  achieving  attractiveness  to  minds,  and  it  is  the
                   to  break  national  cohesion,  especially  through  social  resources that can be used to influence others voluntarily
                   media, which can turn into a tool of destruction instead of  and  without  coercion.  When  American  political  scientist
                   being  a  means  of  building,  development,  and  Joseph Nye spoke about soft power, he mentioned that the
                   enlightenment.                                     basic sources of exercising power are: firstly) the culture of
                                                                      the state, whether the culture of the elite or the culture of
                   Q7:  In  addition  to  your  extensive  diplomatic  experience,  the  people  that  contributes  to  convincing  the  masses.
                   you have had a significant academic career that included  Secondly)  the  fundamental  values  that  the  state  applies
                   teaching and scientific research, as well as holding senior  domestically  and  internationally.  Thirdly)  the  foreign
                   positions  in  academic  institutions  like  October  6  policy  of  the  state  as  seen  by  others,  which  must  be
                   University. After these important experiences in both the  legitimate and ethical. Soft power has indicators, including
                   public and private higher education sectors, how can they  the  state’s  ability  to  provide  aid  to  other  countries,  the
                   be evaluated in terms of the strengths and weaknesses of  ability  to  innovate  and  the  abundance  of  patents,  the
                   each sector, and what is your vision for the state of higher  number  of  tourist  attractions,  and  the  number  of
                   education in Egypt?                                diplomatic,  consular,  and  cultural  missions  abroad,
                                                                      including  cultural  centers.  In  connection  with  this,  Egypt
                   It  is  important  to  enhance  the  international  presence  of  has fundamental sources of its soft power such as teachers,
                   universities  and  openness  to  the  world  through  student  radio and television, cinema and drama, arts and literature,
                   and faculty exchange visits, conducting joint research, and  Al-Azhar  Al-Sharif,  and  the  Church.  However,  these
                   the  joint  organization  of  international  scientific  sources  need  to  be  reactivated  and  revived  to  be  able  to
                   conferences.  It  is  also  important  to  work  according  to  play the desired role in a changing world.
                   international comparisons and standards, especially in the
                   field  of  quality.  Equally  important  is  the  inclusion  of
                   courses on education, critical thinking, media literacy, and
                   environmental  literacy  in  academic  programs.  These
                   aspects  contribute  to  the  formation  of  an  individual’s
                   knowledge framework and are at the same time pillars of
                   cultural  diplomacy;  considering  that  there  are  three
                   sources  of  power:  military,  economic  and  financial,  and
                   cultural and intellectual, also known as <Soft Power.= In
                   this  context,  it  is  worth  mentioning  that  the  higher
                   education  system  in  Egypt  is  indeed  undergoing
                   development,  reflected  in  the  construction  of  new
       5           universities  with  a  new  philosophy  linked  to  sustainable
                   development  efforts  in  light  of  Egypt’s  Vision  2030,  as
                   well  as  the  development  of  university  structures  and
                   academic programs.
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