Page 4 - Issue 62
P. 4
Ramadan Vol.1 Issue 62 December 2023 ELITE
Kareem Q3: In your opinion, how does the Political Science major Overall, skills can be divided into three areas:
Relationship-building skills (the ability to lead and work
shape the personality of its graduates?
The specialization in political science contributes to building with others professionally, self-confidence, calmness and
the capacity for analysis and critical logical thinking, as well as composure, and cooperation to reach common ground)
precision in oral and written communication, and the ability Information-related skills (the ability to employ
to express opinions. The study of political science is based on information for analytical purposes, and awareness of and
consideration for the interests of others)
an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach, enriching Execution-related skills (the ability to accurately assess
the learning experience by drawing from various fields of situations, understand the positions of others, and the
knowledge such as sociology, psychology, economics, law, and ability to formulate alternatives with flexibility and
others. One of the first things I learned in college was the innovation)
interplay and intertwining between domestic and foreign
affairs, and the organic reciprocal relationship between them, We must have a mission that we strive to achieve and dream
affirming the adage that foreign policy is but an extension of of as a higher goal. I recall here a phrase by the former
domestic policy and vice versa. For example, working abroad President of India, Abdul Kalam, who said, <You must have
through diplomatic and consular missions primarily aims to a dream, a goal, and a mission.= Dare to dream, set a goal,
achieve the vital interests of the state, which are based on the have a mission.
interest of survival with its three essential aspects: political Q5: Reflecting on our diverse diplomatic missions, India
interests - preserving the political, economic, and social stands out as a jewel in the crown alongside several nations.
system; material or natural interests - related to the state’s In my view, this experience has been profoundly influential.
regional identity; and preserving the cultural and moral How do the opportunities and challenges in developing
identity, i.e., the core historical values and cultural heritage. Egypt’s relationship with India are multifaceted?
Furthermore, we learned that language is the key to
civilization, culture, communication, interaction, and India is a large and significant country; it ranks tenth in
relationship building, and if we do not succeed in using industry and sixth in space, and holds an important strategic
language accurately and correctly, the result will be negative. position. Despite the immense challenges India faces due to
We also learned the holistic approach in studying any issue, internal religious, ethnic, economic, environmental, and
which addresses the different dimensions of the issue: internal, security differences and complexities that reflect on the
regional, and global, as well as the various levels from a country’s national cohesion, India has achieved great
substantive perspective, including political, economic, social, accomplishments that place it among the nations striving for a
prominent global status. Information and communication
cultural, and others. technology, especially in the software field, stands out at the
forefront of India’s progress leaps. Other industries that have
Q4: We are undoubtedly in the presence of a distinguished seen clear progress include light engineering, cement, leather,
diplomatic figure, whether through your various missions as rubber goods, paper, and detergents, with major industries
an ambassador or your tenure in several positions at the being textiles, pharmaceuticals, vaccines, mining, and heavy
Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Diplomatic Studies electrical industries.
Institute. You are aware of our students’ interest in joining the
diplomatic corps. What are the objective and personal Moreover, India has achieved self-sufficiency in all types of
requirements that must be met by a diplomatic attaché? grains. On the Egyptian-Indian relations front, there are
Diplomacy is the art and practice of building and maintaining numerous areas where joint cooperation between the two
relationships, negotiating to protect and enhance a state’s countries can be established, including the field of small and
medium industries through the Indian Small Industries
national interests, and contributing to shaping the Development Organization, as well as cooperation in the
international environment that facilitates the achievement of pharmaceutical and steel industries, automobile
these interests. manufacturing, agricultural research, and agricultural
It is important for candidates applying for the diplomatic engineering. Investment through Egypt’s free zones is also a
corps to possess certain skills, including: potential area for collaboration. Cooperation in education,
student and faculty exchanges, joint scientific research, and
Proficiency in foreign languages in addition to Arabic, in organizing scientific conferences is also possible. There are
writing, speaking, formulation, eloquence, and rhetoric, good opportunities for cooperation with India internationally,
considering that language is the foundation of diplomatic as India is a member of about 63 regional and international
work and communication, and also a tool for constructive organizations and has significant influence in these
negotiation. organizations. The two countries can collaborate in these
forums to defend the interests of developing nations.
Proficiency in using Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) tools, which have become the basis of
digital diplomacy, consular transactions, information
analysis, and the development of critical thinking skills.
Other skills such as active listening, leadership, social
4 intelligence, teamwork, working under pressure, problem-
solving, the ability to reconcile conflicting opinions, and
the creation of opportunities and alternatives. It is also
important to learn from the experiences of others through