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             The students were also asked whether or not       Finally,  the  students  were  asked  to  suggest
             the  media  has  overexaggerated  the  situation  how can we make individuals responsible and
             in early 2020, in order to terrorize the citizens  have  them  follow  precautionary  measures
             into   following   harsh   safety   measures?     once again? There were manifold suggestions
             Everyone  strongly  agreed  that  media  has  in  put in place, including publishing the accurate
             fact created huge terrors during the beginning    statistics  of  the  number  of  injuries  more
             of  the  pandemic;  The  virus  is  deadly  and  it  frequently, in order to show people, the real
             deserved  all  the  attention  and  awareness  it  magnitude  of  the  situation.  They  also
             got.  However,  they  started  to  seriously      suggested  that  the  government  should
             question why aren’t they not giving it the same   enforce  stricter  laws  and  regulations,  and
             attention  and  magnitude  today,  despite  the   impose  penalties  on  those  who  ignore  the
             situation being as serious as it were before.     implementations  of  precautionary  measures.
             Moving on, the next question was How has the      Lastly, a student has proposed to have hotline
             way  people  dealt  with  the  pandemic  differed  created to report places with huge gatherings.
             from  its  beginning  and  what’s  happening      Finally, Elite would like to thank everyone who
             today?  They  all  saw  a  clear  difference,  where  kindly participated in this report, and we are
             people  have  eased  up,  and  frankly,  stopped  wholeheartedly praying for a speedy recovery
             caring;  people  all  around  the  world  has     for  all  our  infected  mates  and  virtuous
             enough with the precautionary measures and        professors,  as  well  as  our  editors  who  were
             they want to practice their lives normally again.  infected  with  the  damned  virus  recently;  We
             Some students also believe that with everyone     are praying to God for this pandemic to end
             becoming  a  lot  more  of  the  virus,  they  know  this  grief,  and  to  have  Egypt  as  a  home  of
             how they could safely live with it and avoid it.   security, peace, prosperity and stability.
             The  students  were  asked  what’s  the  reason
             behind  the  inability  of  vaccines  developed  to
             contain  the  virus  and  the  spread  of  the  new
             variances,  such  as  Omicron?  The  responses
             revolved around the fact that the virus is tricky,
             and because it has the ability of evolving into
             different  variants,  like  Omicron  and  Delta,  it
             will be so hard to fight. They also emphasized
             on the fact that vaccines were never designed
             to stop the spread of the virus, they only ease
             the symptoms.

                                    Vol.1, Issue 40, February 2022
                                    Vol.1, Issue 40, February 2022
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