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          This  was  thanks  to  professor’s  Fayek’s  able  As  for  the  challenges,  they  are  represented  by  the
          presidency  and  the  distinguished  expertise  of  its  external  penetration  into  the  region;  whether  from
          members.  With  Dr  Moushira  Khattab’s  current   regional  powers  such  as  Turkey  and  Iran  or  major
          presidency,  a  new  phase  of  the  Council’s  work  powers  such  as  the  United  States  and  Russia.  This
          begins,  benefiting  from  what  was  previously  done  massive penetration is one of the most important causes
          and building on it. Finally, how wonderful it is for a  of political instability in the Arab world. Then there is
          woman to assume the position of chairperson for the  the  challenge  of  terrorism.  A  few  weeks  ago,  we
          first time.                                        witnessed  the  renewal  of  the  activity  of  the  terrorist
          VI) Regarding Egypt, How Would You Evaluate        organization ISIS in Syria and Iraq. Despite its decline,
          Egypt's Ties with the Arab World, and What are     terrorism has not ended because it is primarily related to
          its Main Opportunities and Challenges?             convictions  and  thus  tackling  the  roots  of  terrorism
          If we were to describe Egypt's foreign policy under  comes with a change of thought. Hence, President Sisi’s
          President  Abdel-Fattah  El-Sisi,  the  most  accurate  emphasis  on  the  need  to  renew  religious  thought.
          thing that would apply would be that it has restored  Terrorism  is  also  tackled  through  the  achievement  of
          balance  to  Egypt's  foreign  relations  in  general  and  equitable  development.  This  is  also  an  important  path
          with it’s the Arab world in particular.            that our political leadership is taking in parallel with the
          Internationally,  there  is  an  openness  to  Asia  and  ideological path. A manifestation of that is the ongoing
          Africa  and  a  clear  activity  in  the  Eastern  interest in the development of Upper Egypt, which we
          Mediterranean, in addition to strategic relations with  are all witnessing.
          Western powers. In the Arab world, there is a clear  Despite these challenges, I am optimistic. The past few
          involvement of Egypt in the most pressing crises the  years  have  witnessed  great  success  for  Egypt  in
          region is facing in several countries; such as, Libya,  managing its foreign files. The Nile water file remains.
          Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, and Sudan. Egypt’s stance   It is a file related to one of the primary human rights,
          in all these crises is the preservation of the entity of  from which all other rights stem, which is the right to
          the national State and its institutions. In addition, we  life.  Therefore,  Egypt  places  the  defence  of  its
          witness the development of an economic partnership  legitimate and just right to the Nile waters at the top of
          with  political  dimensions  with  Iraq  and  Jordan  in  its priorities and makes it the focus of its foreign policy
          what  is  described  as  the  affiliation  of  the  Levant.  movement at all levels.
          Moreover,  there  is  a  strengthening  of  the  relations  VII) Finally, What Is Your Message to the Students
          with Tunisia and Algeria. In fact, a few weeks ago,  of the Faculty of Economics and Political Science?
          President  Abdelmadjid  Tebboune  visited  Egypt,  his  Our  faculty  provides  a  wonderful  opportunity  to
          second  country.  This  is  in  addition  to  Egypt’s  students  for  education,  training,  and  character
          historical role towards the Palestinian cause and the  development. Whoever does not take advantage of that
          latest manifestation of this role was during the Israeli  is wasting a golden opportunity on both a professional
          aggression  on  Gaza  last  summer.  Furthermore,  its  and  a  personal  level.  Several  factors  distinguish  one
          commitment  to  Gulf  security  was  manifested  in  graduate from another. One of which is benefiting from
          Egypt’s role within the framework of the coalition to  the  rich  knowledge  provided  by  the  faculty  and  its
          support legitimacy in Yemen.                       excellent  professors.  Another  is  the  engagement  in
          Moving  to  opportunities  and  challenges  faced  by  student activities such as various simulation models that
          Egypt’s foreign policy. As for opportunities, Egypt is  have  developed  amazingly  throughout  the  years.
          a country that has no interest in any country's lands  Finally, reading and developing research skills beyond
          or  wealth,  and  this  lends  credibility  to  its  foreign  simple  copying  and  pasting.  Our  young  dean,  Dr
          role. Moreover, its stance is the refusal to interfere in  Mahmoud  Al-Saeed,  spares  no  effort  to  advance  the
          the  internal  affairs  of  countries,  and  this  preserves  faculty. However, in the end, the student alone gets to
          the  confidence  of  the  various  parties.  Above  all,  decide whether to be part of these advancements or not.
          Egypt  has  its  undeniable  regional  and  international  Reading,  active  attendance,  and  student  activities  are
          weight. These are all power cards and opportunities  important.
          available to Egyptian foreign policy.

                                    Vol.1, Issue 40, February 2022
                                    Vol.1, Issue 40, February 2022
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