Page 6 - Issue-40
P. 6


         She sat shyly, ordered a bottle of water after    There, they introduced themselves, the nature of their

         which the waiter looked at her arrogantly…        work and their desire for her to work with them…
         Pointed to the wall, where there was a paper      She thought for a long time and quickly she replied:
         indicating  that  there  was  a  minimum  charge  But I’m not specialized in this nor am I an expert in
         for orders, starting with at least beverages…     this field…
         She  looked  through  her  bag,  found  only  a   The  lady  who  called  her,  replied:  you  have  great
         small amount of money, barely enough to go        experience,   amazing    skills   and   appropriate

         home…                                             appearance…
                                                           Another  lady  said:  we  met  you  by  coincidence,
                                                           informally, away from all the fake complications and
         Meanwhile…  a  group  of  men  and  women         without asking the traditional questions…
         sitting,  with  papers  and  folders  in  front  of  Another one added: We interviewed a lot of people,
         them,  eating  and  drinking  cinnamon  scented   gone  through  a  lot  of  information,  had  various
         food and beverages…                               questions  to  many  young  applicants  and  their

         One  of  them  looked  at  her…  in  a  hurry  she  answers didn’t convince us…
         approached  her,  spoke  with  curiosity  to  the  Another  man  added:  We  wondered  if  the  applicant
         waiter, then with pleasure, she invited her to    can work under pressure, work from office and not
         sit with them…                                    remotely, to be creative and determined…
         Politely she apologized and began to leave...     Here, a third man entered the conversation, saying:
         with the lady insisting not to, she sat with the   we  saw  you  for  who  you  are...  you  spoke  without

         intention of not sitting for too long…although    being nervous or afraid... You talked about yourself
         the  weather  was  ice  freezing,  her  beautiful  without  exaggeration  and  answered  our  questions
         face was sweating..                               without philosophizing…
                                                           The fourth man told her: You think that college is the
         Curious  they  were,  she  answered  their        end,  however,  it  is  just  the  beginning…  The
         questions,  her  faculty  and  professors  she    university only gives you the foundation, the rest of
         praised  and  about  her  experiences  she        the building is built by you... it gives you the letters
         talked…                                           and forming the words is on you…

         Reassurance  they  gave  her,  about  her         He  continued:  It  was  obvious  that  you  didn’t  like
         graciousness they commended her…                  cinnamon  and  can’t  stand  its  smell…  He  added
                                                           laughing: Is there any type of pressure that requires
         Days passed by… while she was waiting for a       making effort... they all laughed including her. She
         call,  to  offer  her  a  job,  give  her  money,  inquired  about  the  job  details  and  looked  at  her

         achieve  her  dreams  and  remove  her  sorrows   prosperous future…
         Her  telephone  rang;  she  saw  her  number,     She  started  working  hard,  with  great  perseverance,
         immediately she remembered that lady…             facing this new challenge and adventure, to at least
         It’s the lady she met at the mall… inviting her   have had the honor of trying…
                                                           She studied from the beginning, entered a new field
         to meet them...                                   and gained different experiences…
         he  lady  described  the  place,  gave  her  the  She became a pioneer in her field, knew a lot of its

         address and determined the time of meeting…       secrets and created many achievements…
         She was hesitant at first, but later on she was
         determined  to  go  see  the  reason  for  this   She  now  has  her  own  business,  held  her  own
         meeting…                                          interviews there… with the scent of cinnamon... that
                                                           she became obsessed with…

                                    Vol.1, Issue 40, February 2022
                                    Vol.1, Issue 40, February 2022
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