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                 An Interview with Dr Nevin Mossaad: Memories of College Life and a

                         Talk About Our Prominent and Long-established Faculty

                     Talked to her : Carolin Sherif , Nadine Nagy and Mary Samer

           Dr Nevin Mossaad is considered one of the pillars of the  II)  Why  Did  You  Choose  the  Political  Science
           Faculty  of  Economics  and  Political  Science  with  her  Department, and How Can This Major Contribute to
           abundant and unlimited knowledge in a plethora of fields.  Personality-Shaping?
           She  is  specialized  in  the  field  of  Arab  political  systems  The  Political  Science  major  was  the  closest  to  my
           which constitutes her main research interest. In addition  interests and predilections, contrary to the Economics and
           to teaching at our faculty, Dr Nevin Mossaad is an active
           member of many prestigious institutions and bodies such  Statistics  majors.  That  is  because  I  am  not  good  with
           as the National Council for Human Rights, in which her  numbers,  nor  do  I  like  dealing  with  them.  Moreover,
           membership was recently renewed in 2021. In fact, Elite  whoever takes the study of Political Science seriously is
           magazine has previously had the honour to publish both  provided with an extremely rich outcome of knowledge.
           literary and political articles by Dr Nevin Mossaad. This  This  field  opens  up  wide  horizons,  and  that  is  simply
           month,  Elite  magazine’s  team  has  had  the  privilege  of  because politics is involved in everything.
           conducting an interview with Dr Nevin Mossaad in which  III) How Was Your Relationship with the Professors,
           she  reminisced  with  us  on  her  memories  as  a  college  and Which Memories do You Remember Most from
           student and provided us with her vision for the future of  College Days?
           our faculty’s graduates.
            I)  How  Did  Your  Relationship  with  the  Faculty  of  Our affiliation with the faculty is primarily thanks to our
           Economics and Political Science Begin, and Why Did  professors. Given the fact that we are still a faculty whose
           You Choose It?                                   number of students is limited, the professors know us by
           In  fact,  I  was  not  planning  to  join  the  Faculty  of  name  and  their  door  is  always  open  to  us.  We  have
           Economics  and  Political  Science,  but  I  was  planning  to  conversations  that  go  beyond  the  classroom.  In  other
           study Journalism at the Faculty of Mass Communication.  words,  we  always  get  to  learn  from  our  professors’
           However, the circumstances at the time led me to change  experience. They are always available to make time for
           my  path.  Several  factors  led  me  to  choose  this  faculty.  us and provide us support, not only academically but also
           Firstly, this great aura and reputation that was (and still is)  psychologically.  On  a  personal  level,  I  owe  my
           surrounding our beloved faculty as the most distinguished
           in the field of social sciences. Secondly, I was top of my  professors a lot: Dr Ahmed Youssef, the compass which
           class in high school in 1974. Thirdly, studying with my  guides  you  and  helps  you  find  direction.  He  mentored
           friends who chose to join the Economics department. In  and taught me in college, and I had the chance to work
           fact,  after  a  few  months  of  joining  the  faculty,  I  found  with him at the Institute of Arab Research and Studies for
           myself immensely absorbed in this enchanting world...the  at least 17 years.
           world of FEPS and FEPSians.

                                    Vol.1, Issue 40, February 2022
                                    Vol.1, Issue 40, February 2022
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