Page 14 - Issue-40
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                                  Stoicism, have you heard

                                                      about it?

                                 Mariam Elsafty, political science, , sophomore
            “No  person  has  the  power  to  have  everything  However, Stoicism does not mean that we are subject
            they  want,  but  it  is  in  their  power  not  to  want  to  be  helpless  victims  of  the  world.  Rather,  Stoicism
            what they do not have, and to cheerfully put to  proclaims  that  there  are  two  domains  of  life;  our
            good use what they do have” –Seneca. Stoicism    external, the things outside our mind, which we cannot
            is a Greek philosophy found by Zeno of Citium,   control,  and  the  internal,  our  interpretations  and
            in  a  time  when  Athens  was  so  indulged  in  the  reactions of the external, which we can control. When
            serious  belief  of  political  participation  of  its  we believe in the idea that everything outside of us or
            citizens,  and  literally,  politics  was  everything,  in the future is only responsible for our own happiness,
            and in a period of time when Plato and Aristotle  we exchange every moment of our life with a moment
            tried to introduce their idea of the most ideal and  that does not exist. We really then tend to depend on
            perfect state that could ever exist, the Stoics were  things  completely  not  under  our  control,  and  we
            more concerned with living life as an experience  endlessly  run  on  a  treadmill  of  needing  more.  In
            in a place where there are no worries nor fears.  Stoicism,  and  unlike  the  philosophy  of  Plato,  there  is
            Stoicism  was  designed  to  help  people  live  their  nothing  wrong  about  working  towards  and  achieving
            best  possible  lives,  to  maximize  positive   wealth, fame, or power, but in the Stoics mind, these
            emotions  and  reduce  their  negative  ones,  and  it  things are merely to be enjoyed if they do work out, but
            helps  individuals  to  have  their  virtues  of  not to be dependent on for one’s happiness.
            character. It produces a framework of living well.
            Stoicism also provides answers to anxiety, stress,
            fear,  and  troubling  questions.  It  provides  an
            operating system that deals with the trials of the
            human condition. In recent history, Stoicism has
            found huge appeal. It was used and encouraged
            by Washington, Nelson, and more. The principles
            of Stoicism help us find calmness, presence, and
            resilience  in  a  world  of  increasingly  chaos,
            anxiety,  and  unstable  desire  for  more.  In
            Stoicism, we exist in a reality that does not care
            about our personal opinion of it. We cannot ask it
            to remove chaos, poverty, or hardships.

                                    Vol.1, Issue 40, February 2022
                                    Vol.1, Issue 40, February 2022
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