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             For  if  one’s  dependent  on  them,  their
             happiness and peace in life are susceptible to
             being inconsistent, taken, or never achieved at
             all. In letters from a Stoic, Seneca discusses

             of  how  to  properly  handle  one’s  time  and
             achieve  meaningful  experiences.  When
             referring to time, Seneca writes, “I advise you

             to keep what is really yours, and you cannot
             begin too early. For as our ancestors believed,
             it  is  too  late  to  spare  when  you  reach  the
             dregs  of  the  cask  of  which  remains  at  the
             bottom, the amount is slight, and the quality

             is vile”. Stoic philosophy changed over time
             shifting focus from logic and physics to more
             psychological  concerns  like  tranquility  and   Choose  your  philosophy  that  you  want  to

             well-being.  “Waste  no  more  time  arguing      make it your reference in life. It is great how
             what a good man should be. Be one”-Marcus         we  have  the  ability  of  understanding  and
             Aurelius. One of the other Stoicism pioneers      studying others’ thoughts and it is greater that
             is Epictetus, who said: “The chief task in life   we  try  to  implement  it  in  our  daily  life.  I
             is simply this: to identify and separate matters  believe  that  we  need  the  philosophy  of  the

             so that I can say clearly to myself which are     Stoics  these  days,  as  we  barely  enjoy  the
             externals  are  not  under  my  control.  Where   experience of living a GOOD life, we might
             then  do  I  look  for  good  and  evil?  Not  to  just be focusing on power, having more, fame,

             uncontrollable externals, but within myself to    or  wealth  as  I  mentioned  above,  and  as  I
             the  choices  that  are  my  own”.  And  so,  we  believe  that  the  time  we  are  found  to  be
             must  define  our  happiness  not  by  what  we   present in asks you to search for those things,
             own or achieve, not by how others see us, not     but  I  see  that  our  mere  goal  in  life  is  to
             by some bigger picture of life, but by how we     experience it, and see the outcomes that will

             think and see our self and live our own life      be produced, which we have no control over,
             through what we deem virtuous and relevant.       and  deal  with  it  with  a  modern  mindset  that
             Stoicism  tells  us  that  we  can  at  last,  if  we  keeps  us  pushing  more  and  widening  our

             wish,  calmly  accept  the  conditions  of  our   perspectives.  It  is  great  how  can  a  single
             indifferent reality, and one up it with our own   thought of a human being affect the thoughts
             indifferent  attitude,  in  return.  Stoicism  is  a  of  many  more  other  human  beings  and  in
             philosophy  as  many  other  philosophies,  and   different  generations  with  different  contexts.
             we can always learn something from them.
                                                               Humans are the same but just it is the place
                                                               and time that gives us brand new challenges.

                                    Vol.1, Issue 40, February 2022
                                    Vol.1, Issue 40, February 2022
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