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         The  child  screamed  and  her  mother  came  over      Then,  the  child  interrupted  her  by  saying,
         quickly  saying,  "What  happened  to  you,  honey?"    "The bird bit me in the hand with which I
         The child fell into her mother's arms and said with     was feeding it." Her tears flowed from her
         tears  flowing  from  her  little  eyes,  "my  bird  flew  eyes and the sound of her crying rose. Then
         away,  Mum."  The  mother  calmed  her  down,           the mother said, carrying her daughter in her

         saying, "Do not cry, darling, this is the nature of     arms, "Come, we will clean the wound and
         birds, they want to be free, picking up grains from     then we will put an ointment to remove its
         the ground and flying in the sky, moving between        trace."  Here  the  child  stopped  crying,
         trees  and  crossing  rivers,  building  their  nests  on
         tree branches or in the caves of mountains. It was      saying, "It is good to clean the wound, but I
         then  that  the  girl  cried,  "But  I  gave  it  food,  and  want  the  trace  to  remain."  The  mother

         water;  I  took  care  of  it,  and  I  brought  it  a  big  looked at her astonished, "Why?" The child
         beautiful cage!" The mother replied, wiping away        replied,  looking  at  her  hand,  "So  that  I
         the  tears  of  her  child,  "Birds  were  not  created  to  always  remember  this  ungrateful  bird;  so
         live in closed cages, nor to be fed easily; they were   that I do not do any more favors to anyone."
         created to wake up with the first light of day and to   The mother turned to her after cleaning her
         leave  at  nightfall,  picking  up  love  from  here  and  wound,  smiling,  "No,  you  must  always  do
         there."  The  child  said  with  sorrow  on  her  face,  good and help others. Some may be grateful

         "Yes,  I  realized  it  when  I  saw  the  birds  singing  to you, and some may not." The girl asked,
         happily  in  the  garden  while  my  bird  was          "Why do they forget the favor? The mother
         miserable," She added,  "I knew, mum, that it was       replied,  "Some  may  set  themselves  a
         supposed to fly someday. What bothers me is not         specific goal, not caring for anything else; it
         its escape from the cage, but the fact that it hadn't   may be wealth, prestige, love or freedom ...
         made a sound until today. I should have heard its       And while they are trying to reach it, they

         songs every morning like the rest of the birds, but I   trample the flowers that bloom in their path.
         only  heard  its  sound  when  it  flew  away."  Her    So, don't let yourself be discouraged or let it
         mother  said,  "Maybe  this  is  the  sound  of  the    stop you from reaching out to those in need.
         freedom  it  was  looking  for,  darling,  don't  blame  Keep spreading flowers everywhere; people
         it."                                                    will surely smell their scent, but be careful
         Here the mother noticed her child's bloody hand,
         so  she  grabbed  her  small  palm  asking,  "What  is  while spreading them, so that no one hurts

         this  injury?  What  has  happened  to  you?  Does  it  you with a pain that is difficult to heal."
         hurt? Did ..."

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