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                  Prof. Adla Ragab, FEPS Professor of Economics and Former Assistant
                                          Minister of Tourism, to ELITE :

                 "The culture of hoarding weakened the levels of saving, so
                the state resorted to borrowing to carry out its development


                            Cairo: Ramy Magdy, Jomana Khaled and Marihan Ayman

        Elite: At first, we would like to welcome Dr. Adela Rajab  I would not have been able to enjoy these advantages and excel
        and  express  our  happiness  and  honor  at  having  her  at the same time. I was impressed by the Faculty of Economics
        generously host us.                                  and Political Science and the idea of participating in activities. I

                                                             was indecisive between choosing the Faculty of Economics and
        Dr.  Adela:  First,  I  am  honored  to  be  Elite's  guest,  and  to  Political Science and the Faculty of Mass Communications, but
        belong  to  this  entity  which  I  am  proud  of  its  development  my father, God rest his soul, told me that I could be a presenter
        from  its  very  beginning  until  now.  Each  issue  is  full  of  even as a Faculty of Economics and Political Science graduate.
        diverse  ideas,  topics    and  guests.  I'm  also  happy  with  the  In addition, I was not enthralled by the idea of being a diplomat
        editors of the magazine and the space for freedom of opinion  and traveling outside Egypt because I am very attached to Egypt
        and diversity. Notably, this freedom of opinion and diversity  and I cannot live outside it. The Department of Political Science
        is exercised politely and respectfully as is the characterizing
        norm of the Faculty of Economics and Political Science; for  did  not  really  captivate  me,  but  there  was  a  Statistics  and
        some of us are different, but each of us respects the opinion  Economics department, and what mattered was to increase my
        of the other without encroaching upon it.            intelletual  and  cultural  knowledge.  I  wrote  the  Faculty  of
                                                             Economics and Political Science in my (Tansiq) desires without
        How did your relationship with the Faculty of Economics  any direction or target in mind, but I loved the college a lot from
        and Political Science start and why did you choose to join  my  first  day.  I  loved  it  through  its  teachers,  and  I  can  even
        it?                                                  remember in my first year when Dr. Amr Mohieddin, Dr. Khairi
                                                             Issa Rahmatullah (God rest their souls) and Dr. Nadia Makary
        Frankly, I was wanted enter the Faculty of Medicine, as I was
        in the scientific division and had completed high school with  (God bless her with health and wellness) had instructed us. I did
                                                             not  feel  as  though  a  mere  professor  was  lecturing  me  but  an
        a total score of 96%. All the scientific colleges were available
        to me, but my elder sister who had then spent 6 years in the  encyclopedia of thought and knowledge. Again, I was hesitant
        Faculty of Medicine advised me not to enter it and favored  between the Economics and Political Science departments, but
        the Faculty of Economics and Political Science. The reason  the  balance  had  titled  in  favour  of  Economics.  I  achieved  a
        was  that  her  friend,  Mona  Kamel,  who  was  a  teaching  consistent grade of 'Very Good' with honors throughout the four
        assisstant  at  the  Statistics  Department  at  the  Faculty  of  years and I was ranked third in my class. I was appointed [by
        Economics  and  Political  Science,  had  explained  that  this  the Faculty], but I got married as soon as I graduated and had
        college  provides  its  students  with  a  extensive  cultural  two children; so I stumbled and slowed down academic wise. I
        knowledge  and  gives  them  the  freedom  to  carry  out  social,  got my master's degree six years later than expected: four years
        cultural and sportive activities and excel in them. The Faculty  of childcare and then I wanted to take another two but it wasn't
        of Medicine, however, is a very practical college.

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