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                         "The rich touristic potentials of Egypt are

                    restricted by the fact that access to Egypt is by

                                                     air only..."

         permitted.  However,  by  chance,  I  was  assigned  a  teaching  need of an assistant, I was chosen as a consultant at the time.
         schedule for just one day so I was free to raise my children. I was
         extremely happy with those years, spending time with my children  During your student life, how was your relationship with the
         and taking them to different landmarks in Egypt to the extent that  professors as well as the activities in college?
         my  colleagues  thought  I  would  not  continue  in  academia,  Concerning the professors, my relationship with them was love
         especially since I was already late for it. Fortunately, thank God, I  and  enamorment  with  their  respective  thought.  I  could  never
         completed my master's degree at the determined insistence of my  forget Dr. Hana Khairieddine, as well as Mostafa Al-Saeed and
         mother  and  my  mother-in-law.  I  used  to  study  whenever  the  others whose smoothness of explanation I had enjoyed. As for
         children  went  to  sleep  and  before  my  husband  came  back  from  student  activities,  I  participated  in  all  the  trips  and  student
         work. From here, I learned to organize time and how to reconcile
         my  studies  with  my  children  and  husband.  I  completed  my  families [clubs]. I was a friend of all the students in college. I
         master's  degree  and  started  my  PhD,  whose  topic  had  revolved  even applied in my second year to the student union, but I didn't
         around a brand new subfield: the economics of air transport. I was  manage to win the elections. I always liked social activities with
         strongly rejected at the faculty's seminar but I was insistent and,  students, and I always attended the university theater shows. I
         with  the  support  of  Dr.  Amr  Mohieddin,  I  studied  this  subject  used  to  love  acting  very  much  but  I  didn't  participate  in  the
         because  it  is  important  and  essential  where  it  relates  to  public  theater. Regarding time management, I always woke up at dawn
         benefits  and  its  state  pricing.  It  is  also  concerned  with  to study and it is during this time that I could finish everything
         infrastructure;  this  was  revloutionary  then  and  way  ahead  of  its  to be able to go on trips afterwards.
         time  as  there  were  only  15  airports  and  now  there  are  24.  I
         envisioned that Egypt, with its unique location, could expand.   Dr.  Adela  Rajab  has  also  commented  on  femininity  and
         The subject of transport in general is not one that tempts you to  feminization, stressing the gift of the letter 't' tied to women by
         branch out from, but I persevered and completed my PhD, making
         it  the  first  Arabic-language  PhD  thesis  on  the  economics  of  air  the Arabic language. Thus, why should titles be stripped of this
         transport — with the insistence of my supervisors, to whom I was  letter?  Why  not  feminize  them,  especially  since  there  is  no
         responisble to after the travel of Dr. Amr Mohieddin, namely Dr.   actual basis to the "cultural custom" preventing them?
         Baher Atlam and Dr. Mona ElBaradei. After completing my PhD,
         I started my career by taking on a set of teaching curricula at the  You  have  had  a  special  interest  in  tourism  and  aviation
         faculty.  I  instructed  courses  including  'Principles  of  Economics',  eversince  your  doctoral  thesis  and  the  presidential  decree
         'Microeconomics',   'International   Economics',   'Management  appointing you as Deputy Minister of Tourism and then as
         Economics'  and  'Transport  Economics'  until  2006  when  I  was  Chairman of the Board of Directors for 'Egypt Tourism' -
         chosen as a consultant to the Minister of Tourism. This choice was  tell  us  a  bit  about  your  enduring  passion  for  the  issue  of
         based on a research paper of mine titled 'Why tourism does not  tourism and about your periods of work as a consultant and
         benefit  from  aviation?'  that  I  had  presented  at  a  research  center  then deputy minister?
         with the presence of the Minister of Tourism. The following day, a
         ministerial  decree  was  issued  to  reappoint  the  then-standing  In fact, it was a coincidence, I was representing the faculty in a
         Minister of Tourism to the Ministry of Housing and to appoint to  conference  related  to  the  Faculty  of  Economics  and  Political
         new Minister of Tourism. Since the new Tourism Minister was in   Sciences in Ain Sokhna and I met with one of the young people

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