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                                                             I am about to be the head of the team for the modernization of Egypt's
                                                             2030 Vision, and I am proud that most of the team are my colleagues and
                                                             children at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science. Of course, no
                                                             one denies the effectiveness of the economic reform program that started
                                                             in 2016, and its positive results have reflected in the world's recognition
                                                             of  its  protection  of  Egypt,  especially  during  the  Corona  pandemic.
                                                             Programs  have  been  created  for  families  living  in  poverty,  such  as  the
                                                             Solidarity, Dignity and A Decent Life program, which has been praised
                                                             by international institutions such as the World Bank. Yes, I acknowledge
                                                             that there is economic reform and significant improvement, but there are
                                                             many  challenges  as  well.  I  would  like  to  add  that,  beginning  in  2016,
                                                             work  has  been  done  to  upgrade  Egypt's  infrastructure  (roads,  majors,
                                                             ports, airports and railways) in its entirety as well as to provide electricity
                                                             and  communications.  Egypt  has  also  succeeded  in  entering  the  era  of
                                                             digital  transformation  easily,  which  proved  helpful—especially  in  the
                                                             closing period at the start of the pandemic—in achieving efficiency and
                                                             wide acceptence of the digital transformation of the educational process.
                                                             As for the challenges, one of the most important economic challenges in
                                                             my view is the high budget deficitt. If the state is working to solve this,
         thus effectively ignoring a real problem: illegal immigration. How  we need to expand the private sector to attract local and foreign investors.
         many  lives  are  lost  due  to  lack  of  awareness    the  issue?  At  the  We must also impose stimulus policies to help the private sector.
         same  time,  Corona  came  and  coincided  with  the  return  of
         competencies to Egypt without work references or vacancies. The  In your opinion, to what extent is external debt a challenge, and how
         Ministry of Foreign Affairs had hoped to create a center, but the  can we address this problem?
         high boards of Cairo University and the faculty saw it more fit  to  In my opinion, Egypt would not have been able to make most of
         create  a  small  unit  that  would  function  effectively  and  later  the  changes  it  has  made  without  resorting  to  external  financing
         develop into a center. Over the past two years, we have sought to  debt. The culture of hoarding weakened the levels of saving, so
         implement  this  unit  at  the  Faculty  of  Economics  and  Political  the state resorted to borrowing to carry out its development plan.
         Science, with the support of all the state's sovereign entities. IOM  Other  means  that  generate  foreign  income  funds,  including
         has also welcomed this cooperation with a public university as it is  remittances  from  workers  abroad,  tourism,  foreign  direct
         a  new  experience.  They  had  established  similar  units  in  several  investment or the Suez Canal, have been fluctuating.. In addition,
         places but have had no resonance. Overall, wanted a unit that is in  the advantage of international institutions is that interest is very
         line  with  the  state's  strategy  and  orientations  and  follows  the  low  and  long-term,  so  why  not  benefit  as  a  country  from  this
         Egyptian constitution.                              advantage, especially since all its indicators boost the economy's
         We  have  also  launched  the  research  competition,  which  confidence?  Borrowing  from  abroad  has  advantages  but  also
         encourages  research  and  ideas  on  promoting  positive  ideas  for  disadvantages  as  there  exists  a  risk  of  being  cut  off  as  was  the
         migration.  People  always  ignore  the  positive  side  of  migration,  case with Japan and the Grand Egyptian Museum. The resultant
         although  it  has  several  benefits,  including  workers'  remittances,  need to resort to international institutions to finance these major
         which  rose  from  $27.8  billion  in  2019/20  to  $31.4  billion  in  projects,  however,  will  later  generate  a  variety  of  economic
         2020/21. We can benefit from guiding young people who want to  activities supported by theindustry, agriculture, tourism and others
         travel by directing them to do training courses in cooperation with  Therefore, it is vital to view the full picture before seeking loans.
         the  relevant  authorities  -  the  Ministry  of  State  for  Immigration  Finally, to whom is Dr. Adela Ragab grateful?
         Affairs. We can help them invest in their talent regardless of their  All the faculty professors from whom I learned academically and worked
         educational  qualification.  German  Aid  has  also  cooperated  with  with them administratively without exception, from Dr. Hiba Nassar as
         the  Ministry  of  Immigration  in  the  presidential  initiative  the  faculty's  Vice  Dean  for  Community  Affairs  and  Environmental
         "Lifeboats". However, they did not have sufficient qualifications  Development to Dr. Doda Badran and Dr. Zainab Salim who were both
         to provide services, so the immigration unit of the college offered  Vice  Deans  for  Education  and  Students'  Affairs.  I  learned  from  them
         to  provide  places,  halls  and  even  trainers,  especially  since  most  many things, including how to deal smoothly with others, accuracy, care
         immigrants are not from Cairo Governorate. The highest rates of  and mastery. I am grateful to all my teachers for all that they have given
         migration  were  observed  in  the  governorates  of  Fayoum,  me. I am also thankful for all my colleagues, whose support I could not
                                                             have survived any setbacks without. I can never forget the time when I
         Daqahliya, Beheira, Kafr al-Sheikh and Beni Suef. Our goal is to  was an assistant and was asked to teach in Beni Suef. The place was very
         train trainers to move awareness programmes to these provinces.  far away and my husband refused, but all my colleagues applied to teach
         We are in the hospitality of a top-notch Economics professor -  in Beni Suef for a week in my place. I am grateful to all of them. I am
         what  is  your  assessment  of  the  current  situation  of  the  very  grateful  to  the  students,  and  finally  to  my  husband,  children  and
         Egyptian  economy  in  terms  of  the  challenges  and  the  family  who  have  endured  my  studies  and  my  work.  They  have  always
                                                              helped me and supported me to achieve my ambitions.
         opportunities it faces?

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