Page 6 - Issue 34
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ELITE                         Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021
                                             Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021

          Weak coordination and funding plus the absence

              of institutional memory are challenges facing

                      Arab work in the field of women rights

         that  it  would  be  difficult  to  deal  with  16  Arab  countries.  had  a  permanent  youth  committee  as  we  were  keen  on
         However, my experience was quite different; I enjoyed a good  adopting the recommendations of young people and we used
         relationship with the members of both the Executive and High  to receive and respond to questions from Arab women as well.
         Councils; and I’m still in touch with some of the Executive  In addition, we had databases on Arab women, an electronic
         Council  members  today,  eight  years  after  I  left  the  library,  observations  on  the  important  landmarks  in  Arab
         Organization, who continue to invite me to some of their local  judicial  rulings,  and  programs  that  encouraged  research  in
         and international events. For instance, Her Highness Princess  women  studies  as  well  as  scholarship  offers.  I  recall  that
         Sabika  invited  me  to  be  on  the  panel  of  judges  for  an  someone from FEPS received a social science scholarship in
         international award for women empowerment.           women’s issues.
         So,  I  can  say  that  my  experience  in  Arab  joint  action  was  Furthermore, we had an award for science and technology and
         excellent. At the time, Dr. Ola Abou Zeid was also program  we  published  a  book  on  the  gender  perspective  in  studies.
         manager  at  AWO.  Together,  we  managed  to  put  in  place  a  Another  important  program  was  the  trainings  offered  to
         rich program for the Organization; we started by conducting  develop project management and evaluation skills for women-
         scoping studies to determine the strengths and weaknesses of  oriented projects. Accordingly, this was a flourishing period
         the women empowerment programs in Arab countries. Then,  where  our  programs  were  appreciated  by  all  the  people  I
         we  formed  a  legal  group,  including  representatives  for  each  worked with and it was an excellent stage in my career.
         member state, which compiled a four-volume handbook that
         supported  its  recommendations  with  strong  arguments  from  Certainly,  Arab  women  continue  to  face  several
         Sharia  and  jurisprudence.  As  such,  I  recommend  this  challenges. What are the primary challenges among those
         handbook for anyone who’s interested in women’s issues.   and  what  opportunities  are  available  for  women  to
         Moreover,  we  launched  a  dialogue  for  Arab  youth  around  overcome them?
         women’s  issues,  which  was  excellently  directed  by  Dr.
         Moataz  Abdel  Fattah.  The  philosophy  behind  the  dialogue  There is a larger degree of awareness today about women’s
         was  to  hold  it  with  pairs  of  young  men  and  women  drawn  issues  and  how  we  can  empower  women  in  various  fields,
         from each Arab country at first, then the dialogue would be  which is reflected in the multiple projects that have achieved
         expanded into each country to promote its influence. We also   undeniable progress. However, these projects themselves that

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