Page 5 - Issue 34
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ELITE                         Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021
                                             Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021

               Presidential diplomacy is one of the new features of

             Egyptian diplomacy and is characterized by efficiency

                 and speed compared to its traditional counterpart

          in turn made my transition from school to FEPS easy, since  One of the remarkable stages in your rich career has been
          the latter also incorporated character building, public service  your  presidency  of  the  Arab  Women  Organization
          and student activities.                             (AWO).  Tell  us  more  about  this  experience,  how  it
          I’m also naturally grateful to my husband who accompanied  influenced  you  and  what  your  contributions  to  the
          me  on  my  scholarship  to  Canada.  I’m  similarly  grateful  to  Organization have been.?
          John Ziegler, my advisor who cared about his students to the
          extent that he invited me to stay with his family for a month to  I was honored to be nominated by Egypt for this position. The
          finish an important part of my dissertation. This was because  Arab  Women  Organization  (AWO)  was  established  in  the
          he thought that if I had returned to Egypt with my husband  early  2000s  as  an  intergovernmental  organization  working
          and son as I had intended to do, I would not have finished my  within  the  framework  of  Arab  joint  action,  with  the  aim  of
          dissertation.                                       enhancing  the  capacities  of  women  and  improving  their
          I’m  really  grateful  to  all  my  professors  at  FEPS  and  to  Dr.  conditions across seven areas, including education, health, the
          Mofid  Shehab  who  appointed  me  as  Egypt’s  cultural  environment, the economy, the legal sphere and others.
          consultant  to  the  UK  and  director  of  the  educational  Being the state’s nominee entailed a huge responsibility. As
          delegation. This was a rich experience for me that allowed me  such,  this  position  was  a  challenge  for  me,  especially
          to see a different side from academia. And since a part of my  considering that when I joined the AWO, there had been no
          job there was to organize cultural events, I was able to draw  programs yet; only the charter and bylaws existed. And I was
          upon  my  event  management  experience  from  my  time  at  not a prominent figure in the Egyptian women’s movement; I
          FEPS as Vice Dean for Student Affairs and for Community  had been a member of the National Council for Women for a
          Affairs,  under  the  leadership  of  Dean  Dr.  Ali  El-Din  Hilal  short  while  during  its  first  cycle  and  I  had  written  a  lot  of
          who  was  the  first  to  expand  the  range  of  student  activities  edited volumes on issues of women’s political participation.
          offered.                                            But I was mainly nominated for AWO based on my academic
                                                              and diplomatic experience. What also added to the pressure of
                                                              the  job  was  the  need  to  interact  institutionally  with  a  large
                                                              number of Arab states; and I had a lot of people telling me

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