Page 4 - Issue 34
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ELITE Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021
Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021
There are women’s issues, not just one, and their
work is being criticized for focusing on rural,
uneducated women and ignoring other groups, such
as young women and Bedouin women
in the university team but sadly, I fell and fractured my knee, In your opinion, how does political science shape the
which put an end to my time with squash as a freshman. I personality of its students and researchers?
haven’t tried another sport since.
Political science is a broad discipline that develops one’s
Those who witnessed FEPS during the 1960s constantly knowledge not just in politics, but also in economics and
tell us that the relationship between professors and sociology. As such, it offers an understanding of what’s
students was direct. I want to understand why this word – happening at home and abroad, which in turn develops critical
direct – seems to pop up in conversations with most of the thinking and debate skills. People often say that political
figures we’ve interviewed such as Drs. Ahmed Youssef, science students don’t stop arguing. But it is true that political
Osama Ghazaly Harb and Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour, science does strengthen your ability to argue, when
and Ambassadors Hany Khallaf and Moushira Khattab. appropriate, and to constructively criticize.
So, in what ways was the relationship direct?
Throughout your career in political science and at FEPS,
I think that the Faculty still offers students a direct you must have a lot of people that you are grateful to,
relationship to professors. In the 1960s, the number of whether personally or professionally. So, to whom is Dr.
professors was very limited; for instance, the political science Wadouda Badran grateful?
department had only one teaching assistant apart from Drs.
Ali and AbdelMalek Ouda. Given that Dr. Ouda was in First, I’m grateful to my parents who recognized the value of
Switzerland, this left Dr. Ali, bearing in mind that Mostafa education and who believed that by having two children only
Kamel had also graduated and gone to Switzerland. So, it was – my sister and I – they could provide us with a high standard
a relationship between few students and similarly few of living and good care. As such, the structure of our four-
professors. Despite the larger numbers today, I think that member family, with no sons, was unusual at the time. But
FEPS still adopts an open-door policy which means that my parents enrolled my sister and I in the prestigious
students have access to all professors. American College for Girls (now Ramses College), which
paid attention to character building as well as education. This