Page 10 - Issue 34
P. 10
ELITE Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021
Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021
In a region full of intertwined armed conflicts,
Egypt’s interest is to balance all parties without
explicit involvement against any of them.
American-European relations and their positions towards Russia is clearly aware of the limits of its international
each of Russia and China, how do you read this influence in the face of the U.S., whose military might
international scene? overshadows the shortcomings of its economic capabilities.
Whether tense or calm, American-Russian relationships have
The scene is certainly complex. The current tensions in persisted because of their pragmatic nature; the two countries
American-European relations and their positions towards realize that they have to cooperate on certain issues, including
Russia and China raises the question of how these tensions nuclear non-proliferation, Iran’s nuclear program, the
might impact the shape of the international system, which has situation in Afghanistan and climate change. As such, they
seen the U.S. enjoy a forefront position since the 1990s. pay attention to managing their tensions in a way that
Accordingly, we are wondering if these tensions might prevents them from reaching the extent of an open conflict.
provide an opportunity for Third World countries to maneuver Similarly, the U.S. is constantly working on containing both
in a way that’s similar to the Cold War period in the 1960s, Russia and China out of the idea that a complete focus on
for example. While Third World countries might find room China might have negative implications on its relationship
for maneuver under current dynamics, the extent of this room with Russia. Having to take both Russia and China into
is likely to be smaller than its Cold War counterpart, which account thus means an opportunity for countries to diversify
saw a rivalry between two superpowers change into an their partners. Therefore, we are not in a second cold war, but
equation between a superpower and a great power. And when we do have opportunities for more balanced relationships that
Putin assumed power in Russia, he declared from the start that serve the interests of various states.
he would revive a new Russian spirit, instead of following the
model of European countries which aligned with the U.S. And can certain current hot issues change pragmatism in
Nevertheless, American-Russian relations remained deep and one way or another?
the message that was being conveyed was that the two
countries had moved past the Cold War phase and that they no No, I don’t think so. Because these states realize that there are
longer consider each other enemies. But the coolness certain limits not to be crossed. As such, I think that tensions
underlying the relationship is largely due to the U.S.’s and disputes will remain, but without reaching the extent of
oversized influence in the world. the Cold War.
With the unprecedented scale of economic globalization led
by Western states and Russia’s relative economic weakness,