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                                                                                     NUMÉRO 11, NOVEMBRE 2020

                                  Beyond the Economic reform Program

                                                                                  Antony Gobriel

                                                               structural   imbalances   that   would   reduce   the
       For   decades,   Egypt   has   suffered   from   low
                                                               budget   deficit,   putting   public   debt   on   a
       inclusive   growth.   Despite   its   high   growth
                                                               downward   path,   and   reforming   the   exchange
       rates,   Egypt   is   suffering   from   chronic
                                                               regime.   These    reforms    will   boost   the
       economic    and   social   problems   such   as
                                                               competitiveness   of   the   Egyptian   market   not
       poverty,    inequality,    unemployment        -
                                                               only   domestically   but   also   internationally.
       especially   among   women   and   young   people   -
                                                               Accordingly,   investment   should   increase,   the
       and  corruption.  Those  were  the  main  motives
                                                               private   sector   will   be   more   developed   and
       that   led   to   the   January   25th   revolution,
                                                               many  jobs   will  be   created.  On  one   hand,  these
       calling   for   “bread,   freedom,   and   social
                                                               reforms   are   supposed   to   stimulate   inclusive
       justice  ”.   However,   the   situation   has   not
                                                               growth.   On   the   other   hand,   it   should
       improved   after   2011,   as   FDI   has   declined
                                                               transform  the  role  of   the   state   from  leading  to
       significantly   in   response   to   the   global   crisis
                                                               promoting   growth.   Thus,   the   decision   of
       and  the  lack  of  political  stability  and  security  switching   to   the   flexible   exchange   regime   was
                                                               taken in November 2016, as the first structural
       in   Egypt.   Furthermore,   structural   economic
                                                               reform  measure  in   the  program.   This   decision
       imbalances,   such   as   the   state's   control   of   the
                                                               raised   Egypt's   external   competitiveness,   by
       pound's   exchange   rate,   have   also   led   to   a
                                                               increasing   exports   and   its   foreign   exchange
       reduction   in   the   foreign   exchange   reserves
                                                               reserves.   Yet,   it   doubled   the   dollar  ’s   price
       that,   in   2016,   was   only   enough   for   three
                                                               against   the   Egyptian   pound,   triggering   a
       months    of   importation.    Moreover,    the
                                                               violent   inflationary   surge   unconstrained   by
       inefficient fuel-support system also gave on to
                                                               austerity   monetary   policy.   The   price   increase
       a   rise   in   public   debt   that   exceeded   100%   of
                                                               was   30%   in   2017,   14%   in   2018,   and   9%   in
       GDP    in   the   fiscal   year   2016/2017,   and
                                                               2019.   Also,   to   fill   the   general   budget   deficit,
       although   some   measures   have   been   taken,
                                                               the  value-added  tax  was  imposed,  along  with  a
       such   as   a   5%   devaluation   and   an  increase   in
                                                               reduction   in   public   sector   wages,   resulting   in
       fuel and electricity prices, those decisions had
                                                               an increase in tax revenue equal to 2.5% of the
       only   increased   inflation,   as   the   pound's
                                                               GDP,   and   a   reduction   equal   to   3.5%   of   GDP
       exchange   rate   was   25%   higher   than   its   real
                                                               to   the   initial   expenditure.   In   addition,   the
       value   before   the   complete   devaluationThus,
                                                               inefficient   fuel   subsidy   dependent   on   the
       the   government  ’s   objectives   were,   to   achieve
                                                               fluctuations in the world oil prices, and
       macroeconomic stability by correcting

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