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                                                                                     NUMÉRO 11, NOVEMBRE 2020

       which   used   to   ruin   the   state   budget   have  The   flotation   decision   led   to   an   incontrollable
       been   lifted.   In   order   to   reduce   the   impact   of  rise   in   inflation,   as   we   have   already   pointed
       these   reforms   on   low-income   classes   and   to  out,   and   the   austerity   monetary   policy   that
       gain popular support for the program, 1% of             sought   to   reduce   inflation   had   a   severe   side

       the   GDP   was   allocated   in   the   form   of      effect.   In   fact,   raising   the   interest   rate,   forced
       subsidies   for   food    commodities,     cash         investors  to  save   their  capital   in   banks   instead
       transfers  to   the  elderly,  low-income,   and   free  of taking the high risk of taking credits to start
       school   meals.   In   addition,   social   protection  their   businesses,   which   reduced   the   private-

       programs,   such   as   "solidarity   and   dignity",   sector   growth.   Furthermore,   this   decision
       have   included   about   10   million   low-income     mainly   affected   the   non-rich   classes   whose
       individuals.   This   system   is   more   efficient    income   is   limited   to   salaries   in   the   Egyptian
       than   indirect  fuel  subsidies.Furthermore,   the     pound,   while   the   rich   classes   that   possess   real

       program    gave   clear   importance    to   the        estate,  dollars,  and   gold,  have  seen  the  value  of
       institutional role, providing for the writing of        their wealth doubled after this decision. Which
       operational     performance      reports    for         rose   inequality   in   a   country   where   1%   of   the
       economic  authorities,   a   roadmap  for  pension      population   own   28%   of   the   wealth.   Finally,

       reforms,   and   finally   the   submission   of   a    social   protection   programs   are   undoubtedly
       budget    statement    for   the    House    of         insuffisante  to  support  32   million  people  below
       Representatives   with   each   general   budget.       the   poverty   line.   So,   while   these   decisions   are
       These decisions are expected to raise the level         important,   they   have   been   harsh   on   the   poor

       of   governance   in   Egypt,   which    is   an        and   middle   classes.   Economically,   the   state  ’s
       important   step   to   attract   investors.   Greater  aim   was   to   encourage   the   private   sector   to   be
       access   to   finance   to   SMEs,   and   new          the   motor   of   the   economy.   The   Government
       insolvency   and   bankruptcy   procedures   will       has   therefore   reduced   the   number   of   public

       also   result   in   a   better   business   climate.   sector   workers   to   stimulate   the   market.   But
       Finally,   the   program   was   concerned   with       the   decline   in   the   state  ’s   role   coincided   with
       strengthening   the   role   of   women,   and   the    the   absence   of   the   private   sector,   creating   an
       government   worked   to   improve   the   safety   of  economic     vacuum.      Although     economic

       public transport.                                       decisions  by  the  state  are   important,  they  have
       As   a   direct   result,   macroeconomic  indicators   not   been   sufficient   to   restore   investors'   full
       have   already   improved   after   the   program       confidence   to   start   businesses   and   create   the
       was   implemented,   with   public   debt   down   to   necessary   jobs.   So   reducing   the   size   of   the

       85%   of   GDP,   owing   to   the   budget   2%-of-    public   sector   led   to   only   reducing   government
       GDP   surplus.   The   foreign   exchange   reserve     spending    and     increased    unemployment.
       reached   $44   billion   in   2019,   up   from   just  1.7  According   to   the   World   Bank,   the  procedures
       billion   in   2016.   The   program   has   put   Egypt  for   doing   business   in   Egypt   require   12   days,

       on   the   path   of   growth,   as   confidence   in   the  while   it   takes   9   days   only   in   Afghanistan   to
       macroeconomic    performance    of   Egypt   rose       start   your   business,   which   reflects   the   need   to
       after   restructuring   it   and   restoring   its      improve   governance   in   Egypt,   and   explaining
       stability.   But  the  impact   of   these   policies   has  part   of   investors'   lack   of   confidence   for

       been particularly heavy on the poorest.                 entering the Egyptian market.

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