Page 46 - issue-25-fr
P. 46

ÉLITE FRANÇAISE                                                               NUMÉRO 11, NOVEMBRE 2020

      Generally,  the  situation  isn’t  reassuring;  the    In  the  present  period,  all  countries  prepare
      number of cases around the world arrives to            to  face  the  second  wave  of  corona  virus
      41.8  million  and  1.1  million  deaths,  it’s  look  especially in Europe, with the approached of
      like we’re facing a second wave more violent           winter  and  the  drop  of  temperature  it’s
      it  maybe  causes  a  lot  of  economic  crisis  in    expected that the number of cases increase
      addition  to  a  loss  of  lives,  until  now  no      significantly.  So  will  we  live  through  a  new
      vaccine has been proven effective for treating         period  of  quarantine  and  constant  anxiety?
      corona  virus  with  a  100%,  maybe  a  vaccine       Or  can  the  world  get  out  of  the  bottleneck
      has been found soon and maybe it continues             with  the  least  losses?  The  answer  to  this
      to years so we should adapt with the present           question  depends  on  our  behaviour  in  the
      situation. According
                                                             coming period, so if this state of neglect and
                                                             indifference  continues,  we  pray  to  God  to
                                                             have  mercy  on  us  in  what  is  coming,  so
                                                             everyone  must  commit  to  wearing  medical
                                                             masks,  using  alcohol  and  washing  hands
                                                             periodically,  and  also  taking  care  of  social
                                                             distancing  Especially  school  and  university
                                                             students, and also, gatherings with friends in
                                                             cafes, cinemas, and shops should be reduced
                                                             Your lack of commitment will not only harm
                                                             you  but  will  harm  everyone  for  that  (let  us
                                                             separate in the present until we meet in the
      According to the status in Egypt, Egypt doesn’t        future).
      saw  any  increase  in  the  number  of  cases  but
      the  situation  in  Egypt  and  the  most  Arabic
      countries  isn’t  promising,  most  people  think
      that corona virus ended so they live normally
      without  being  attention  to  the  precaution
      ways  and  the  social  distancing,  among  every
      100 persons we find 10 persons are committed
      and that can cause a mega jump in the number
      r  of  cases  especially  with  the  beginning  of
      schools and universities.

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