Page 44 - issue-25-fr
P. 44
The United States: Germany:
The United States occupies the first place in Also, Germany faces a violent second wave;
terms of the number of cases of corona virus; the number of cases arrives to 404000 cases
the number of infections arrives to 8.46 million and the deaths 9960 death, Germany records
and 223000 deaths. The last few weeks, the in 22 October the higher rate of infection since
world saws the news of Donald trump’s injury the beginning of the epidemic, she records
of corona virus and his wife. In 22, The united 11287 cases and 30 deaths. And the German
states records the higher daily rate of infection government declares the necessity of wearing
since the beginning of the epidemic, she masks and the engagement of social
records, 75049 cases and 828 deaths. distancing.
Spain was one of the most affected countries in
the first wave of covid-19 but she also starts to
face another violent wave, the number of cases
arrives to 1.03 million and the deaths 34521
death. Also in 22 October, Germany records the
higher percentage of infection since the
France: beginning of the epidemic she records 20986
cases and 155 death. Spain consider as the first
France consider as one of the countries that
faces a second violent wave of covid-19, the total European country that exceed the million
number of infection arrives to 999000 cases and infection and the Spanish minister of health
the total deaths 23210 death. 22 October has
Salvador Eyla announce that the propagation of
seen the higher rate of infections that France corona virus is out of control in certain places in
records since the beginning of the virus Spain, the government of Spain meets in Friday
propagation; she records 41622 cases and 162 22 October to take several decisions to face this
deaths. The president of France declares some crisis.
procedures like the application of the night ban
in Paris the capital and 8 others cities for 4 weeks
and also he declares the medical emergency in
France, these procedures because of the rapid
increase in total infections and the fears of those
hospitals will face complete incapacity. It’s
expected that France will declare the curfew for
one month.