Page 43 - issue-25-fr
P. 43

ÉLITE FRANÇAISE                                                               NUMÉRO 11, NOVEMBRE 2020

                                      Period, and from the

                                      beginning of the line

       In  the  last  periods,  a  lot  of  countries  around  the               written by: farah islam
       world  retrieve  their  activities  like  re-open  the  The United Kingdom:
       airports,  receives  tourists,  re-open  the  mosques,  From  the  beginning  of  the  spread  of  corona
       churches,  cafes,  malls,  cinemas,  theatres……  but  virus, the united kingdom consider as the most
       with the application of the precaution procedures     affected state by the virus en Europe, until now
       like wearing masks and the engagement of social       she records 810467 cases and 44347 deaths but
       distancing. A lot of people object to the return of   in October the united kingdom has seen a fast
       all this activities but it was normal that the world  increase in the daily infection rate, she records
       start  to  adapt  with  corona  virus  specially  that
       finding  a  cure  may  take  a  lot  of  years  and  also  in  22  October  21238  cases  with  an  increase  in
       most  of  the  countries  in  the  world  faced  an   the  infection  rate  35%  and  189  death  with  an
       economic  crises  during  the  quarantine.  In  the   increase  rate  170.  Because  of  the  declared
       beginning  the  situation  was  very  reassured,  most  records,  the  Prime  Minister  Boris  Johnson
       people   was    committed    to   the   precaution    declares  some  procedures  to  eliminate  the
       procedures  in  addition  to  the  diminution  of  the  spread  of  covid-19.  The  most  important
       number of infections with a marked way.                          decisions: close the restaurants and clubs much
      With the passage of time, everyone started to feel     earlier,  work  from  home  if  it’s  possible,  the
      bored  of  this  precautions  procedures,  we  started  continuation  of  schools  and  universities.  The
      to  mark  that  a  lot  of  people  doesn’t  wear  the  prime  minister  affirmed  that  the  state  will
      masks  and  doesn’t  committee  to  the  principle  of  exert   more    effort   to   implement     these
      social  distancing  and  also  the  cafes  and  cinemas  procedures with strict penalties in case of lack
      starts  to  receive  a  large  number  of  clients  more    of  commitment,  it’s  expected  that  this
      than  the  percentage  that  the    countries          procedures will continue for 6 months with the
      determined,  everyone  has  come  back  to  its        application  of  more  procedures  in  case  of  the
      previous life like something isn’t happened, no one    number  of  cases  decrease,  it’s  expected  that
      interest on keeping an eye on the daily number of      the number will decrease to 50 thousands cases
      cases, and in the middle of September, while we’re     daily.
      not interested, the world has surprised that most
      countries  like  England  and  France  start  to  record
      the  higher  daily  rate  of  cases  since  the  beginning
      of the propagation of the epidemic (covid-19) with
      all measurement it’s a catastrophe. Now we face a
      second wave of corona virus and this wave is more
      violent  especially  in  Europe  that  officially  started
      to face this wave with some procedures, below we
      will  display  the  last  situations  in  the  hardest  hit
      countries and the registered cases until now:

   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48