Page 21 - Issue-24-fr
P. 21

ogine Ebrahim

                                   ELECTION FINES RETURN WITH

                                 SENATE ELECTIONS: IS IT JUST A

             After  the  end  of  the  Egyptian   Senate  elections,   which  did  not
                                                              in  terms   of   implementation,   we  find   constitutional   laws  that
             receive   any   enthusiasm   from   the   Egyptian   citizens,   we   find
                                                              are   decisive   or   peremptory   and   these   laws   cannot   be
             the National Election Commission headed by Lashin Ibrahim,
                                                              amended   or   changed   during   implementation,   during   any
             Vice  President   of   the   Court  of  Cassation,  issuing  a   statement
                                                              circumstances.   As   for   the   other   type,   they   are   non-decisive
             announcing   the   referral  of   all   citizens   who   didn  ’t  participate
                                                              laws so they may not be implemented or amended according
             in the Senate elections to the Public Prosecution. To pay a fine
                                                              to  circumstances.  Here,   in   this   case   the   Law  of   the   political
             according   to      Political   Rights   law   No.   45   of   the   year   2014,
                                                              rights   which   regulate   the   idea   of   the   punishment   and
             amended   by   Law   No.   140  of  the   year  2020,  in   its  Article   No.
                                                              exemption   is   not   decisive   so   the   responsible   committee,
             57,   which   regulates   the   punishment   of   those   who   didn  ’t
                                                              which   is   the   Supreme   Election   Commission,   has   the
             participate     to   perform   this  national   duty   and   the  conditions
                                                              authority to decide whether to apply it or not.
             for   exemption   from   it,   as   it   stipulates   that   “he   shall   be
             punished  with  a   fine   not  exceeding  500egp,  from  those   whose
                                                              Secondly,   there   are   some   jurists   who   see   that   the   electoral
             names   were   registered   in   the   voter   database   and   didn't  fine  has   many  weaknesses,  because  expressing  one  ’s   opinion
             participate without an excuse in an election or a referendum''
                                                              by participating or not is a national duty and right according
             but   the   application   of  these   rules   in   real   life  is   hard   ,   as  the  to  what  is  stipulated   in   Article  87,   and   at  the  same   time  the
             participation rate in the Senate was very weak, so the referral
                                                              rights   were   regulated   by   Article   92,   which   states   that   “ the
             of 54 million citizen to the tribunal is almost impossible.  rights  and  freedoms   related   to  the  personality  of  the  citizen
                                                              do   not   tolerate   delay   or   derogation.   So   No   law   has   the
             Therefore,   we  find  that  this  decision  caused   a  controversy  on
                                                              authority   to  regulate  the  exercise  of  rights   and   freedoms  by
             social media sites. We find many sarcastic opinions, and many
                                                              restricting   them   in   a   way   that   affects   their   origin   and
             people   underestimating   the   power   of   this   law.   But   if   we
                                                              essence."  And   if  the  punishment  of  the   fine  for  not   voting  is
             overcome   that   point   and   shift   our   attention   towards   the
                                                              applied,   it   will   be   a   violation   of   the   citizen's   right,   because
             opinions   of   experts   and   lawyers,   we  ’ll   see   it   completely
                                                              the right can be used by the citizen or not.
             differently.   Some   of   them   showed   their   criticism,   and   some
             others  showed   that   they   have  the  ability  to   easily   exempt   the  Finally,   I   find  that  applying  the  fine   punishment   is   difficult
             people from that fine
                                                              at the scientific and practical levels, because it is not entirely
                                                              easy   for  the   court  to  absorb  the  number  of  cases  that  will   be
             Also,   we   can   easily   notice   that   with   the   approach   of   each
                                                              referred to it, meaning the punishment of 54 million citizens,
             election  season,  the   Supreme  Election  Commission  announces
                                                              in   addition   to   its   already   existing   cases.   Secondly,   a   large
             the  imposition   of  punishments   and   fines  on  those  who  didn  ’t
                                                              number of the citizens who didn  ’t participate will not be able
             participate  in   the  elections  but  then  we  have  never  seen   those
                                                              to   pay   the   fine   due   to   the   difficult   economic   conditions,
             decisions come into effect. All this raises many questions. Like
                                                              especially   due   to   the   Corona   crisis,   which   affected   the
             how   can   a   constitutional   law   not   be   applied?   Is   there   a
                                                              income   of   many   individuals.   So   these   reasons   lead   us   to
             constitutional   defect?   Is   the   fine   actually   applicable,   or   is   it
                                                              think  that   the   fine  punishment  is  just   threat   to  increase  the
             just a threat with other goals?.
                                                              percentage   of   votes,   and   if   not   for   the   previous   Senate
                                                              elections,   then   it   will   be   for   the   next   People's   Assembly
             First,   how   can   a   constitutional   rule   not   be   implemented?
              Constitutional laws have different types.
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