Page 18 - Issue-24-fr
P. 18
N o h a M o h a m e d
# C A N C E L _ N E T F L I X
Social media pioneers launched the hashtag It is worth noting that the French director’s
“Cancel Netflix” whichfrom its launch, film "Maymouna Ducoury" won the
became a global trend in which all kinds of Director's Award at the "Sundance Film
categories participate, and this caused an Festival" last January, and the
unexpected uproar due to the great success aforementioned responded to the severe
achieved by the platform recently and the attack that the film's main message did not
masses' demand for its releases as soon as reach them and that the
any new was launched. Subscribers to the important thing is to open people's eyes to
platform are constantly increasing and have the problem that the film is discussing and
reached more than 137 million subscribers try to fix it, and work against sexual
since the service was available around the exploitation of children because that is
world in more than 195 countries. what children are exposed to on social
Although this is not the first time that Netflix media.
has faced an attack because of one of its
films, the audience faced great difficulty in For its part, Netflix said in a statement
accepting the content of the French film commenting on the boycott campaigns that
"Cuties", which was accused of promoting the movie is an award winning and
"pedophilia", meaning the sexual exploitation touching story about the pressure young
of children. girls face on social media and from society
The film revolves around an 11-year-old at large - and we encourage anyone
Parisian girl named "Emi", who grew up in a interested in these
traditional Islamic environment and important issues to watch the movie.
suspended between traditional values and
internet culture. "Emi" joins a free dance And the American website "Variety"
troupe with three other girls from her reported that thousands have signed an
neighborhood. electronic petition through,
The content of the movie was not the calling on
beginning, but rather a wave of anger current Netflix customers to cancel their
sparked since Netflix launched the subscriptions to the broadcast service, and
promotional poster for the movie last August, more than 600,000 people have signed
and its attempts to change the propaganda around the world, millions of people
posters did not succeed in repelling the interacted with the boycott hashtags on
attack, which increased with the Twitter in a few hours and got up
presentation of the film on September 9. Boycotting the company, resulting in a loss
of $ 9 billion so far.