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      Libya is trapped in a proxy war. And engaging Qaddafi's

   supporters can facilitate communication between Heftar and

                                             Al-Wefaq Forces

    Among  the  most  prominent  milestones  in  my  diplomatic  career  is  my,
                                                               •   You   once   worked   as   an   Arab   League   delegate   in   Iraq,   how   do
    service   at   the   Egyptian   embassy   in   Morocco,   then   the   embassy   of
                                                               you   assess   the   Iraqi   situation   today   in   light   of   the   demonstrations
    Yugoslavia, and the period of the embassy in Libya.
                                                               calling for the toppling of the sectarian quota system?

                                                               I   remember   that   the   experience   of   Iraq   manifested   to   me   the
    •  You  have  a  long  history  in  diplomatic  work  as  an  Assistant  Minister
                                                               absurdity   of   the   distinction   between   what   is   Shiite   and   what   is
    of   Foreign   Affairs   for   Arab   affairs,   how   do   you   evaluate   the   current
                                                               Sunni.  When  I  went  as  an  envoy  to  the  Arab  League  in  Iraq,  it  was
    Egyptian role  in the Arab circle?
                                                               a   sensitive   period   in   the   history   of   Iraq  between   2008-2009,  I   met
    Unfortunately, the Egyptian role is declining, not for reasons related to
                                                               different  people  from  different  sects,  they  were  the  smartest  people
    the   Egyptian  regime,   but     because   of   the   Egyptian   culture.   Egyptians
                                                               I   have   met.   I   cherish   a   personal   friendship   with   the   president   of
    have   enormous  challenges   that   make   them  self-sufficient,   which  does
                                                               The   Islamic  Supreme   Council   Sheikh  Ammar   al-Hakim  who   gave
    not  prepare  Egypt  to  take  over  the  roles  it  used  to  have  before,  such  as
                                                               me   a   shield.   I   did   not   find   a   difference   between   the   one   who   is
    the   developmental   role,   the   educational   role,   and   the   role   of   political
                                                               Shiite and the one who is Sunni.
                                                               Therefore,   I   am   not   a   supporter   of   attacking   Hezbollah,   I   have
    We  also  have  many  problems  that  I  mentioned  in  many  of  my  articles
                                                               always been a supporter of Hezbollah, and its militant roles against
    and   studies   that   have   been   published,   such   as   the   tendency   towards
                                                               Israel   to   this   day.   There   is   no   doubt   in   that   and   we   should
    unilateral   thinking   based   on   the   idea   of   “either/   or,”   not   on
                                                               appreciate   them,   but  we  can   blame   them   that   they  do   not   heed   the
    reconciliation   of   opposites.   Furthermore,   we   do   not   have   the   correct
                                                               Arab call as much as they do towards the Shiite rhetoric.
    political action methodology on many issues including foreign policy .

                                                               •   But   some   believe   that   Hezbollah   is   an   arm   of   the   Islamic
    For  example,  our  foreign  policy  in  the  Arab  region  is  not  based  on  the
                                                               Republic of Iran, what do you think of this and your opinion on the
    principle   of   sharing   roles   with   others,   for   example,   Egypt   has
                                                               Iranian expansion in the region?
    excessively   nominated   Egyptians   for   leadership  positions   in   the   Arab
                                                               The   Iranian   Islamic   Revolution   imposed   itself   on   the   surrounding
    organization.   The   matter   is   not   limited   to   positions   only,   but   the
                                                               affairs,   wanting   to  export   the  revolution.   This   is   a   mistake   for   the
    principle  of   sharing   roles   should   include   certain   tasks  for  states,  such
                                                               Islamic  thinkers,  as  they  see  that  revolutions  can  be  artificially  and
    as   some   of   The   Gulf   countries   that   should   have   the   task   of   dialogue
                                                               intentionally   achieved.   It  was   possible  for   Iran   to   be   a  role   model
    with   Iran,   or   countries   of   North   Africa   that   should   have   the   task   of
                                                               in   the   Islamic   world,   but   they   provided   a   tool   of   their
    communicating   with   France   and   Europe,   to   benefit   more   from   the
                                                               condemnation of the idea of exporting the revolution.
    comparative advantages of each country regarding a specific file.
                                                               This  does  not  prevent  me   from   asking   the  Arab   league   to   create  a
    •   Do   you   think,   Your   Excellency,   that   the   balance   of   trust   between
                                                               permanent   channel   for   communication   with   Iran,   through   some
    Arab countries currently allows them to accomplish this cooperation?
                                                               countries   in   the   context   of   sharing   roles,   in   order   to   reduce   Arab-
    The true inter-Arab relations are bad and do not qualify for this kind of
                                                               Iranian   hostilities.   I   recommend   the   same   thing   in   light   of   the
    cooperation.  For  example,  Gulf  countries  are  troubled  by  the  Sultanate
                                                               relationship   with   Turkey,   we   have   achieved   dialogue   with   Israel,
    of  Oman  because  it  has  an  independent  vision  in  managing  its  foreign
                                                               why not with the rest of the regional neighborhood?
    relations with Iran, but we must start even with a few small steps.
                          issue 18, April 2020                #Stay_at_home
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