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E L I T E                                                                9

                                        Al-Maqrizi’s Rescue and

                                   Uncovering the Corona Plight

                      BY: Prof. Dr, Mohamed Soffar , professor OF political science

                                                                                     TRANSLATED BY: Nadine Hesham
                                                               The  attentive  reader   –  in  Straussian  terms  –  can  extract  abstract
   The outbreak of the coronavirus, with the ensuing panic and havoc
                                                               patterns   of   how   the   ruling   authorities   in   Egypt,   throughout   the
   all   around   the   world,   serves   to   remind   of   the   devastating   crises
                                                               different   ages,   dealt   with   such   crises   and   catastrophes,   basing
   elaborated   upon   by   Taqi   al-Din   al-Maqrizi   in   his   short   treatise
                                                               this abstraction on accounts of humorous yet tragic incidents. In
   ‘The  Rescue  of  the  Nation  Through  Plight  Eradication’  (Eghathatt
                                                               the   first   scenario,   the   ruling   government   might   not   interfere   at
   Al  Omma  be  Kashf  Al  Ghomma).  The  death  toll  described  by  this
                                                               all,   turning   a   blind  eye   to  the   situation   and   propelling   a   severe
   historian   surged   to   the   extent   that   burials   became   difficult   and
                                                               crisis,   or   matters   might   solve   themselves   by   the   good   will   of
   corpses  were  left  lying  in  the  fields,  houses,  streets  and  sidewalks;
                                                               God.  In  another  case,  the  government  might  interfere  in  a  much
   creating   a   rotten   scent   and   deserted   cities.   Accordingly,   al-
                                                               positive   way   by   addressing   the   roots   of   the   crisis   in   terms   of
   Maqrizi, in his description of this ravaging phenomenon, opted for
                                                               imposing   its  control   over   markets,   setting  prices   and   quantities
   an  Arabic  term  (the  two  deaths)  that  indicates  more  numerous  and
                                                               and   punishing   exploiters.   In   this   way,   it   can   stop   the
   frequent   death   than   usual.   Although   he   mentions   a   lot   of   details
                                                               deterioration   or   at   least   remedy   the   destruction.   In   the   third
   about   the   atrocities   committed   during   these   crises,   his   thesis   is
                                                               scenario,   the   government   might   interfere   in   a   negative   way   by
   much   simpler:   it   tackles   the   relationship   between   natural   factors
                                                               addressing   the   symptoms   and   not   actually   solving   the   crisis
   (Nile   shortage,   wind,   dust,   plagues   and   diseases)   and   social
                                                               itself.   This   is   done   by   reframing   the   situation   as   an   issue   of
   catastrophes   which   are   accompanied   by   forms   of   destruction   of
                                                               giving   out   charity   to   the   poor   and   needy,   which   is   an   illusion
   life   (rising   prices,   disappearing   commodities,   cultivation   loss,
                                                               intended   to   divert   attention   from   the   government’s
   famine,   rupture   of   daily   life,   emigration   and   desertion)   as   an
   indirect result.

                                                               Against   the   backdrop   of   this   theoretical   framework   presented
   The   effect   of   natural   causes   reaches   the   human   domain
                                                               by al-Maqrizi, the question arises of what to make of the current
   (psychological,   social   and   historical)   through   a   two-sided   gate:
                                                               pattern   of   government   response   to   the   corona   ordeal.   Al-
   economic corruption (market manipulation of prices and quantities
                                                               Maqrizi   gives   us  a  true  classification   of   the   historical   positions
   of   goods   and   food)   and   political   decay   (aggravated   political
                                                               of  governments  towards  crises  of  all  times,  a  classification  that
   struggle and ruler’s inability to perform state functions).
                                                               would   be   extremely   useful   in   evaluating   the   current   measures
   This   means   that   destruction   of   life   is   not   inevitable;   the   gate   can
                                                               being   taken.   However,  it   is   difficult   to   do   this   evaluation   right
   be   sealed   by   good   measures   and   good   governance,   which   will
                                                               now   due   to   several   factors,   such   as   the   general   and   not
   either   preempt   the   catastrophe   and   prevent   it,   or   stop   it   from
                                                               unprecedented   bureaucratic   confusion   in   dealing   with
   worsening,  or  reverse  its  course  and  remedy  it.  In  other  words,  al-
                                                               emergencies,   as   well   as   the   overwhelming   and   reckless
   Maqrizi  places  a  large  share  of  responsibility  on  the  human  factor,
                                                               disregard   for   the   seriousness   of   the   virus   and   its   ramifications
   both   economically   and   politically,   whether   in   initiating   or
                                                               by   the   people.   In   addition   to   the   sea   of   rumors   and
   rectifying  these  catastrophes.  There  are  also  pieces  of  evidence  in
                                                               disinformation   about   the   situation   domestically   and
   the   text   that   al-Maqrizi   was   referring   to   in   the   Quranic   tale   of
                                                               internationally,   as   well   as   the   mocking   commentaries   and
   Joseph’s   crisis   management   –   through   what   is   known   as   the
                                                               photoshopped   pictures   of  the   virus,   people,   officials   and   pretty
   strategic reserves policy – as the ideal case of good governance.
                                                               much everything and anything.
                          issue 18, April 2020                #Stay_at_home
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