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                                                             In   the   Museum   of   Parliament   Building   in   the   middle   of
    You  can  pick  up  an  important  report  containing  the
                                                             Cairo,   there   is   a   rare   collection   of   gold,   silver,   bronze   and
    speech  of  the  late  President  Mohamed  Anwar  Sadat
                                                             copper  medals,  and  its  history  dates  back  to  being  gifts  that
    after   he   announced   the   signing   of   the   Camp   David
                                                             came   from   a   group   of   heads   of   international   parliaments,
    agreement,  and  its  impact  on  achieving  peace  in  the
                                                             senior   leaders   and   politicians   For   two   internationals,   a   rare
    region.   The   Library   of   the   Egyptian   Parliament   is
                                                             medal   of   silver   comes   on   behalf   of   the   European
    one   of   the   largest   parliamentary   libraries   in   the
                                                             Parliament,  which  he  gave  to  the  museum  at  the  head  of  an
    Arab   world,   so   that   students   of   science   and   law
                                                             official   delegation   in   one   of   his   visits   to   Parliament.   The
    often   resort   to   it   in   order   to   obtain   information
                                                             idea   of   establishing   a   museum   inside   the   parliament   came
    useful for the study or research they are preparing.
                                                             to   preserve   the   Egyptian   heritage   in   the   field   of   political,
                                                             legislative   and   parliamentary   practice,   and   the   same   model
    We  went  to  the  House  of  Representatives  Museum,
                                                             exists   from   the   museum   in   a   number   of   countries,   where
    where  it  is  one  of  the  most  important  museums  that
                                                             many   major   private   countries   that   have   a   long   history   of
    contain   antique   holdings   and   medals,   the   Museum
                                                             legislative   and   parliamentary   work   have   chosen   to   allocate
    of  the  House  of  Representatives,  next  to  the  chariot
                                                             a museum Holdings of its historical parliaments.
    and   throne   seat   on   which   King   Farouk   was   sitting
                                                             In   conclusion,   the   visit   added   to   us   a   pride   and   a   beautiful
    when   he   attended   parliament   sessions,   before   the
                                                             impact   that   will   remain   in   our   memory   because   of   the
    July  1952  revolution,  there  are  a  lot  of  gold  medals
                                                             prominent   and   important   place   this   place   holds   within
    and   appellations   Which   Egypt   has   won   on   many
                                                             ourselves and our society.
    occasions that have passed through its history.

                          issue 18, April 2020                #Stay_at_home
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