Page 17 - issue18
P. 17

E L I T E                                                           16

                              Fair Financial Play

                                                    Omar Khalid, 4th Year, Economics

     After Manchester City dominated the local titles         However, many clubs penetrated these rules in
     for two consecutive seasons and in preparation different ways, such as Milan, who spent more
     for   the    continental     competition      in   the   than 200 million euros in the summer of 2017 in
     Champions League, the wind came as the ships the  hope  of  entering  the  club  for  the
     did not desire the European Union penalty that           Champions  League  and  obtaining  advanced
     fell  like  a  thunderbolt  on  the  Manchester  City    positions  from  them,  he  will  receive  returns
     project confused all accounts for the team after         equivalent  to  what  was  spent,  but  this  did  not
     the  team  was  deprived  of  participating  in happen  and  the  club  was  subjected  to
     European  competitions  for  two  seasons  in            punishment  European  League  exclusion  in
     addition to A fine of 30 million euros as a result       addition to the club falling in debt and selling it
     of  the  club  violating  the  rules  of  fair  financial  to the Elliot Fund, also Chelsea broke the rules
     play,  despite  the  club's  appeal  against  the        in  contracting  with  under-age  players  illegally,

     decision,  but  the  impact  of  this  decision  cast  a  which resulted in Chelsea under the penalty of
     shadow  on  the  future  of  the  club,  which  has being denied contracting with players
     become unknown
                                                              for  two  seasons,  but  then  the  matter  was
     The club's violation of the rules of fair financial reduced  for  one  season  and  There  are  many
     play is the reason for the sanctions, but what is clubs that have fallen And the erosion of those
     the idea of these rules?                                 rules was the last of Manchester city
     The rules of fair financial play were intended to The  case  began  to  appear  from  the  German
     be  the  clubs  ’revenues  as  a  reward  for  their     newspaper  "Der  Spiegel",  which  revealed  in  a
     expenses and to ensure that there is no deficit in       series of leaks known as "Football Leaks" about
     the clubs’ budget, and aimed to prevent the idea a  message  from  the  club's  economic  director,
     of borrowing clubs from other clubs, in addition         "Jorge  Schumelas",  in  which  he  requested  to
     to that they forced the clubs to pay attention to        obtain liquidity worth 67.5 million pounds from

     the  junior  sector  in  the  clubs,  because  buying    the sponsoring company "Etihad Airways". The
     players  will  lead  to  an  occurrence  Somehow         sponsorship contract between the club and the
     deficit, it was an attempt to save club expenses.        company provides for the payment of 8 million

                          issue 18, April 2020                #Stay_at_home
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