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                                          Memes at difficult times

                                                          By : Assile Mostafa
                                                       1st Level, French Section

   Nowadays  ,the  world  is  going  through  a  lot  of  crises,starting  from   You  might  ask  :  What  do  they  think?  Maybe  the  one  making  this
                                                              kind  of  publications  is  looking  for  attention  and  fame,  or  maybe
   bad   weather   and   global   warming,   torrential   rains   and   interstate
                                                              he   likes   making   these   publications   and   finds   great   interaction
   conflicts   up   to   the   devastating   Corona   virus,   which   made   us
                                                              from   some   of   people,   which   made   him   guarantee   positive
   question  the  possibility  of  a  third  world  war.    2020  did  not  begin
   with  a  promising  start  as  we  had  hoped  or  expected,  and  there  is

   no  doubt  that  all  of  these  things  create  a  bad  mood  throughout  the
                                                              However,   the   most   common   case   is   that   some   people   react
   world  as  a  result  of  instability  and  anxiety.And  on  the  contrary  -
                                                              positively  to  these  publications  because  they  find  more  peace  and
   in   another   parallel   virtual   life      using   Internet   applications   and
                                                              comfort  that  are  most  needed    in  times  of  crisis.    There  is    a  term
   social media - it seems that we have another reality.
                                                              called   "Resistance   with   laughter",   which   is   often   used   by

                                                              psychiatrists  to  describe  how  some  people  cope  up    with  anxiety,
   So when you try to open the Facebook application for example, or
                                                              they prefer to laugh rather than cry about their worries. Of course,
   any  other  social  media  application,  you  will  see  at  least  one  of  the
                                                              this   does   not   come   under   the   rubric   of   disclaimer,   On   the
   publications   or   posts   which   are   known   as   "Comic"   or   "Trend"
                                                              contrary,   it   happens   because   they   want   to   deny   that   there   is   a
   who   mock   and   ridicule   these   serious   problems.   In   social   media,
                                                              problem  ,  as  a  way  to  avoid  pain  or  anxiety,  by  saying  that  they
   you   will   find   people   who   prefer   to   be   infected   with   coronavirus
                                                              have  nothing  to  do  to  change  the  bad  reality  or  to  improve  it,  it  is
   than  going  to  university.  You  will  also  find  them  mocking  when
                                                              not  their  duty  to  spread  awareness  and  get  rid  of  such  problems,
   the   authorities   advise   citizens   to   be   careful   and   take   all   the
                                                              and  according  to  the  saying:  "Panic  about  the  problem  kills  more
   appropriate   precautions   to   avoid   the   infection   with   coronavirus.
                                                              than the problem itself",
   All   these   satirical   and   comical   articles   on   these   serious   subjects

   have   aroused   indignation   and   controversy   among   people,   and
                                                              On   the   other   hand,   there   are   some   people   who   are   completely
   some have severely attacked these types of publications.
                                                              against  such  publications  ,  as  for  them,  this  kind  of  comics  only

                                                              show  a  state  of  neglectance  ,  as  if  they  were  under  the  effect  of
   Nevertheless,   this   type   of   comedy   spreads   very   quickly,   and   it
                                                                drugs  ,  and  unable  to  interact  and  help  overcome  their  problems,
   seems  to  impress  most  of  the  people,  you  will  find  them  enjoying
                                                              they  see  that    if  everything  that  is  serious  in  life  becomes  a  joke  ,
   it   and   responding   to   it,   which   facilitates   the   spread   of   such
                                                              we  will  never  get    mature  enough  ,  and  knowing  when  to  laugh
   publications.And   here   we   have   to   ask   a   persistent   question   to
                                                              and when to take something seriously is a sign of maturity.
   resolve   the   dispute   between   these   two   parties   -   the   party   that

   encourages  this  kind  of  sarcastical  publications,  and  the  party  that
                                                              Can  you    imagine  that  you  know  someone  who  suffers  from  such
   opposes  such  kind  of  publications  –  so  which  is  more  correct  than
                                                              serious  problems  ,  like  Coronavirus  infection,  what  would  be  his
   the  other?!And  Is  it  okay  to  make  fun  of  such  serious  subjects  or
                                                              reaction if the people around  made fun of such a pandemic ?
   do  these  publications  reflect  only  a  state  of  neglectance  compared
                                                              In  fact,  these  publications  will  not  bring  them  peace  or  tranquility
   to the seriousness represented by such serious problems?
                                                              .An      Expert   says   that   stressing      over   such   problems   won't   help,

                                                              but   denying   reality   and   neglecting   some   of   its   painful
   But before judging , let's see what are the arguments of each party,
                                                              consequences  is  not  a  good  thing  either,  and  you  shouldn't    take it
   but first you will have to decide which side you are with, let's start
                                                              all  the  time    mockingly,  but  you  have  to  laugh  whenever  possible
   with those who encourage these messages.

                          issue 18, April 2020                #Stay_at_home
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