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        Our Editors (from left): Dina Ehab, Ramy Magdy and Omar Alaa

       His  Excellency  Ambassador  Hany  Khallaf,  for mer  Deput y   Mini ster  for   For eign   Affairs  for   Arab   Affairs,  in
       an interview with ELITE
        The Arab League must provide a bridge for dialogue with Iran
               and Turkey, and everything that is Islamic must not be

   Cairo   :   Ramy   Magdy,   Dina   Ehab,   Omarl   Alaa   and   Mirna   Ossama,
                                                             When   I   was   in   high   school   they   used   to   call   me   the   ambassador.   I
   Revised by Jasmine Nabil
                                                             knew  that  my  career   would  eventually   lead   me  to  the   foreign   affairs,
   With   utmost   hospitalty,   we   were   met   by   Ambassador   Hani   Khallaf,
                                                             because   there   are   numerous   role   models   and   ambassadors   in   our
   former   Assistant   Minster   of   Foreign   Affairs   for   Arab   affairs,   at   his
                                                             family;   such  as   my   father   Abdel   Moneim   Khallaf   who   was   from   the
   house.   Touching   upon   the   personal   and   human   sides   in   the
                                                             first   generation   who   founded   the   Arab   League,   along   side   Azam
   ambassador's  life  in  the  meeting,  we  spoke  about  his  upbringing  and
                                                             Pasha.  He  eventually  became  the  Director  of  Social  and  Labor  affairs
   education   -   being      a   descendant   of   a   renowned   family   who   are
                                                             department.   Therfore,   I   loved   the   diplomatic   career   because   of   the
   practiced  in  diplomatic  work-,  and  passing  through  his  studies  in  our
                                                             examples   of   diplomats   and   first   generation   founders   with   whom   I
   college.  It  was  an  immense  pleasure  to  meet  the  one  of  the  Faculty's
                                                             engaged   while   I   was  young,  it   is  from   this   that   I   was   filled   with   my
   very   first      graduates,   and   to   get   acquainted   with   the   atmosphere
                                                             love for work in the Arab and international areas.
   during  the  faculty's  early  years  and  its  journey  to  become  one  of  the

   most  established  faculties  in  Egypt.  We  then  turned  to  his  career  and
                                                             Moreover,   I   was   studying  literature   and  Arts   and  did  not  find   myself
   how   he   joined   the   diplomatic   corps,   at   the   end,   we   concluded   our
                                                             in   the   natural   sciences   and   mathematics.   I   found   my   strength   in   the
   dialogue with a comprehensive review of the regional a rena.
                                                             language   I   possessed,   whether   Arabic   or   English   n   addition   to   the

                                                             diplomatic skills that my father cultivated in me.
   We   viewed   his   rich   library,   stacked   with   books;   for   which   he   was

   reader in part and author in others, most prominently we saw "Osama
                                                             •   In   your   opinion,   how   does   the   college   affect   the   personality   of   its
   El-Baz   -A   Life's   March",   and   "The   Handwriting   of   Celebrities",
   which   is   considered   manuscripts   and   documents   for   the   celebrities
                                                             Not   all   students   benefit   from   what   the   college   gives,   only   those
   with whom the ambassador dealt.
                                                             students   who   are   serious   about   it.   The   advantage  of   being   a   political
   From  piano  and  chess,  getting  20/20  in  Prof.  Hamed  Rabiea's  course,
                                                             science   graduate,   is   that   the   college   affects   the   student's
   sharing   roles   and   reforming   the   Arab   League,      to   a   delicate
                                                             communication   skills   teaching   them   how   to   settle   disputes   between
   combination   of   pride   in   cultural   heritage   balanced   with   rational
                                                             people.      It   develops   their   ability   to   deal   with   the   conflicts   that
   engagement   with   the   requirements   of   the   times.   It   was   a   really
                                                             surround   them   on   the   social,   familial   and   political   levels,   as   well   as
   valuable   dialogue   with   a   man   that   combines   a   comprehensive
                                                             how   to   deal   with   the   history,   the   future,   what   is   possible   and   what  is
   theoretical   vision   and   practical   knowledge   of   the   wheels   of
   diplomatic work.

   Following is the transcript of the interview.......       • How was your relationship with the professors in college?
   •   How   did   your   relationship   with   the   Faculty   of   Economics   and  I  had  a  good  relationship  with  many  professors  such  as  Ibrahim  Saqr,
   Political Science start and why did you choose i t?       Rifaat   Al-Mahjoub   and   Fathallah   al-Khatib,   Samaan   Boutros
   The   Faculty   of   Economics   and   Political   Science   was   newly
                                                             FaragAllah,   all  of   whom  are   professors   I   cherish.  I   am  proud   to   be   a
   established,  as  such,  I  found  in  it  an  opportunity  to  prepare  myself  to
                                                             student  of  Hamed  Rabi`  and  I  was  the  first  student  to  get  a  20/20  full
   join   the   Ministry   of   Foreign   Affairs.  Moreover,   during   the   first   two
                                                             mark   in   his   subject,   I  thought   at  first   that   he  gave  me   10/20,   because
   years,   the   lectures   were   held   at   Faculty   of   Law   in   which   my
   grandfather, Abdul Wahab Khallaf, was a professor o f Sharia.
                                                             he would not normally give full marks to students.

                          issue 18, April 2020                #Stay_at_home
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