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Page  7                                                                     ISSUE 14 December 2019                                                                        ELITE

                                                                 A SPECIAL INTERVIEW WITH
                                                                   DR. AMAL K. HAMADA

                                                            NEW DIRECTOR OF FEPS WOMEN

                                                                            STUDIES UNIT

                                                              •  Rehab:   Does   the   Unit   provide   support   for   anyone   i  nterested   in  gender
                                                              studies, regardless of their gender? Support is not   limited to women only?
         "Woman Studies Unit seeks                            •   Dr.   Amal:   Of   course,   the   recent   trends   do   not   sup  port   the   idea   that
             to offer knowledge and                           women's   issues   belong   to  them   alone,  and  vice   versa  ,   some  men   are   also
            expertise for concerned                           interested  of   society,   and   women's   issues   because   the  interested   in   common
                      academics"                              matters concerning different sectors of society.

                                                              • Rehab: What are the Unit  ’s short- and long-term plans?
  Cairo: Carolin Sherief, Fareeda Khalifa, Rehab     Khaled, Yassmine G. Hussein
                                                              • Dr. Amal: We aspire to achieve the following duri  ng this year
  The  elite  team  went  to  the   Women's  Unit   of  the   Faculty  of  Economics   and  Political
                                                              1.   Organizing   a   series   of   monthly   seminars   or   semin  ars   on   academic
  Science,   which  is  one   of  the  most   important   and   effective   units   in   our   c  ollege;   to
                                                              issues   concerned   with   women   and   gender   studies.   Par  ticipants   in   this
  meet   with   Dr.   Amal   Hamada,   the   director   of   the   Center   and   one   of   th  e   faculty
                                                              series   are   interested   students   from   different   depar  tments   and   not   only
  professors   in   the   Department   of   Political   Science,   to   congratulate   her  first  on     this
                                                              political   science   department,   in   addition   to   gradua  tes   and   master's
  position. And to learn more about the activities of the unit .........
  •  Ms.  Carolin:  Dr.  Amal,  first,  congratulations  on  taking  office   and  hope  fully  it  will
  be a fruitful period. We'd love to start with you. What is the Women's U  nit and what  2.   We   try   to   establish   scientific   partnerships   with     regional   and   Arab
  are its activities in the faculty?
                                                              universities with similar studies, in order to avoi  d the problem of different
  •  Dr.  Amal:  The  Women's   Unit  was  originally  a   unit   for  women's   econo  mic  studies  contexts   that   arise   when   dealing   with   international     universities,
                                                              sometimes,   their   research   agenda   and   priorities   are     different   from   our
  affiliated   with   the   center   for   economic   and   financial   research   and   studies  .   It   was
  established   during  the  time  of  Dr.   Jasmin   Fouad's  presidency   of   the   ce  nter,   then  it  priorities, the partnership with similar universiti  es reduce the gap between
  transformed   a   main   part,   through   which   the   professional   master  ’s   program   was
                                                              these   differences.   For   example,   it   is   very   useful   t  o   benefit   from   the
  created, and then it became an independent unit. Additionally, its n  ame was changed
                                                              Lebanese   expertise   and   deepen   our   cooperation,   and   during   the
  from   Women's   Economic   Studies   Unit,   to   the   Women's   Studies   Unit   only.   It   is
                                                              preparation of the master's program we met with the  m and benefited from
  essentially   a   unit   that   is   supposed   to   promote   interest   in   women's   issues     in   Egypt
                                                              their   experience   a   lot.   Our   plan   for   this   year   begi  ns   by   exploring   the
  and  the   Arab  world,   it  incorporates   studies  in  this  field  as  well  as  the  b  eing  the  hub
  for   the   professional   master  ’s.   Through   this,   it   coordinates   with   the   Anti-Violence  possibilities of partnership and the long-term impl  ementation.
  and Harassment Unit at Cairo University.

                                                              •   Fareeda:   Are   there   any   other   entities   apart   from   universities   that   the
  • Ms. Carolin: Does the Unit have other activities?
                                                              Unit is interested in pursuing partnerships with?
  • Dr. Amal: The unit focused mainly on the master  ’s program because it took nearly
                                                              •   Dr.   Amal:   We   already   have   a   partnership   with   the   United   Nations
  two   years   in   the   preparation   stage,   such   as   preparing   the   list   and   decision  s   and
                                                              Women's   Empowerment   Program,   who   are   supporters   of   the   unit   and
  training   teachers,  in  addition   to  the   fact   that   the  program  has  only  b  een   there  for   3
                                                              offer   scholarships   to   master   students.   We   also   have     an   informal
  years.  The  unit  has  focused  on  making  this  program  efficient  and   effec  tive,  and  this
                                                              partnership   by   virtue   of   mutual   interest   with   the   N  ational   Council   for
  was  its  main  focus.  The  unit   does  not   have  a  lot  of  employees,  the   employees  were
  directed towards a specific need, and we hope in the coming period that the  re will be  Women.   We   are   trying   to   look   for   ways   to   strengthen     this   partnership.
  space to carry out work for women in more concentration.
                                                              We   hope   to   establish   partnerships   with   bodies   inter  ested   in   academic

                                                              issues.   We   also   have   partnerships   with   service   bodi  es   to   empower
  • Rehab: How can the Women  ’s Unit help women in the faculty specifically?
                                                              women,   such   as   the   National   Council   for   Women,   and   generally,   any
  •   Dr.  Amal:   The   women's  unit   is   not   primarily   a   service   unit,   nor   is   it  a   room   to
                                                              partnerships of this kind will be useful for all of   us.
  receive   women's   complaints.   University   units   offer   non-research   activitie  s   to

  students  in  general.  Based  on  its  name,  the  Women's  Studies  Unit,  it   is  supposed   to
                                                              •   Fareeda:   Are   there   any   specific   activities   offere  d   to   FEPS   students   in
  support   scientific   research   in   the   field   of   gender   in   all   possible   forms.   It     also
  provides  expertise  to  students  or  teaching  assistants  interested  in  working   on  gender
                                                              •   Dr.   Amal:   I   am   seriously   considering   various   thin  gs,   we   have   a   good
  issues.   It   is   offered   at   the   faculty   to   include   the   gender   component   beca  use   the
                                                              library, and we can offer academic material that st  udents can benefit from
  faculty   has   only  one   course   related   to   this   subject:   women   and   politics.     It   is   also
  possible   for   the   unit   to   support   professors   to   integrate   gender  in   different     courses
                                                              in   their   research  or   private   readings.   Also,   we  are     seriously   considering
  and   disciplines.   It   is   also   possible   to   organize   a   series   of   lectures   or   sem  inars  on
                                                              providing  an  internship  opportunity  in  the  unit  for    students  of  the  second,
  issues   considered   academic   and  practical  for  women  and   the   academ  ic  community
                                                              third,  and  fourth  years,   which  would   provide  mutual    benefits   for  students
  at large.
                                                              and the unit, and it doesn  ’t require a lot of resources.

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