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ELITE                                                  ISSUE 14, DECEMBER 2019                                             PAGE 5

                                              The  Egyptian  Society  Deals  with  Women  Issues
                                              Pragmatically           and      mainly        From       Economic


     the   debates   on   this   article   lasted   for   almost   two   weeks,   were   the  First   of   all,   I   see   that   Local   Councils   are   of   crucial   importance,
     opposition   of   the   amendment   preferred   article   as   written   in   the  where   they   hand   power   of   the   ownership   of   the   State   to   common
     1971   constitution:   “Education   is   obligatory   until   the   preparatory  people,   and   in   regard   of   the   retard   in   elections   of   local   councils,
     stage,   and   to   exert   efforts   to   make   it   obligatory   till   Secondary  many   interpretations   were   made,   some   people   say   that   elections
     stage.  ”   but   from   our   stance,   this   article   wasn  ’t   efficient   in   its  were   postponed   for   security  reasons,   others   said  that   it  was  due  to
     articulation,   as   it   had   lasted   for  decades   with   no  efforts   exerted  to  the  lack   of  experience  of   the  political   parties,  so  I  am   not  sure   why
     extend   the   stage  of   obligatory   education,   the  debate   on   this   article  the  elections   were   postponed,   but   we   still   call   for   the  fastening   of
     had   hidden   agendas,   as   it   had  effects   on   other   aspects,   like   Child  these elections. As for my view regarding Women representation in
     marriage,   as   extending   obligatory   education   would   be   an  Parliament   I   think   that   the   current   representation   is   extraordinary,
     impediment   to   child   marriages,   that   is   why   both   parties   of   the  as   in   comparison   to   the   nineties,   women   only   occupied   2%   of
     debate,  our  front  and  the  Islamist  front,  saw   the  importance   of  this  Parliamentarian   seats,   and   so   even   though   these   women   in
     specific   article,   where   during   my   debate   in   this   article,   I   always  parliament   were   feminist   pioneers,   it   was   still   incredibly   hard   on
     remembered   the   talk   I   shared   with   “Mohamed,  ”   that   I   previously  them   to   represent   women,   but   today,   even   if   not   all   the
     mentioned,   that  ’s   why   it   was   so   important   to   me   to   adjust   this  representatives of women are not powerful feminists, but there bulk
     article,   as   I   knew   the   huge   impact   it   had   on   the   issue   of   child  in   the   votes   and   their   support   for   the   pioneers   in   Parliament,   you
     marriage.                                                 cannot   expect   that   once   a   woman   enters   parliament   she   will   turn
                                                               into a strong feminist power, but it at least guarantees that her voice
     Another   debate   that   took   place,   which   I   think   is   a   very   good
                                                               will be heard in Parliament.
     example of negotiations, is our debate on the article concerned with

     Women   quota   in   Parliament   and   Local   Councils,   the   increase   in
                                                              This  reminds  me  of  the  fruitful  initiative   by  Dr.   Ali  El-Deen  Helal,
     Women   representation   to  reach   25%   was   opposed   by   all   political
                                                              the   he  began  during   his  work   as  Minister  of   Youth  in  2000,  where
     forces,   liberals,  together  with  Islamists  alike,   and  so  we  negotiated
                                                              he  assigned  a   seat   in   the   board  of   each  Youth   centre   in  Egypt,   the
     on   two   levels,   first,   we   negotiated   to   increase   women
                                                              result   of  this   small  act,   was   a   change   in   the   culture   of  people,   and
     representation   in   Local   Councils,   where   we,   as   advocates   for
                                                              women   started   entering   these   Youth   centres,   which   is   a   shift   of
     women   rights,   allied   with   representatives   of   the   youth,   to   amend
                                                              perception   in   the   community   that   previously   despised   girls   for
     Article  180,  concerned   with  representation  of  women   and   youth  in
                                                              merely  passing  by  Youth  centres,  that  eventually  lead  to  dedicating
     the   local  councils,   so   that  each   category   would   have   25%  of   seats
                                                              a   specific   day  for   women   in   the   swimming   pools   of  youth   centres
     in,   reaching   50%  of   the   seats  to  Youth  and  Women,  in  addition   to
                                                              all   over   Egypt,   even   in   Upper   Egypt,   which   is   a   great   source   of
     that,   in   addition  to   that  we   amended   the   age   eligibility      to   run   for
                                                              amusement   that   wouldn  ’t   have   been   available   for   them   if   not   for
     elections to these councils, to start from 21 years old, on the second
                                                              this initiative.
     level,  we  worked  on  women  representation  in   Parliament,  that  was
                                                              Are   you   satisfied   with   the   discourse   adopted   by   the   current
     deemed   more   important   than   the   local   councils   by   all   the   other
                                                              administration   on   Women   Issues?   And   do   you   think   that   the
     political  forces,  but  we  understood  that  the  local  councils  are   more
                                                              “Year of the Egyptian Woman,  ” has paid off?
     important than Parliament were, getting 25% of seats in Parliament
                                                              I   think   that   the   discourse   of   the   current   administration   is   better
     grants   women   120   seats,   on   the   other   side,   getting   25%   of   sear
                                                              than   then   precedent   administrations,   as   it   is   a   discourse   that
     Local councils, grants women more than 155,000 seats to represent
                                                              praises women, but also, even though new legislature were issued
     women all over the republic.
                                                              in   support   of   women   rights,   a   large   gap   still   persists   between
     From your point of view, What are the drawbacks of the retard of
                                                              these   laws  and  the  policies   of  their   implementation,   and   as  long
     elections in the Local Councils? And do you believe that the rise in
                                                              as   the   question   of:   “Where   should   a   Woman   in   need   go   to?  ”   is
     Women representation in these councils to 25% is effective, or is it
                                                              still  posed,  and  as   long  as  there  ’s   no  specific  institution   by  states
     just mere numbers with no solid effect?
                                                              that   would   help   these   women,   then   the   Political   power   won  ’t
                                                              have succeeded in achieving full women rights.
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