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ELITE                                                  ISSUE 14, DECEMBER 2019                                             PAGE 6

   Ever  since  Egypt  has  adopted  the  Republican  system,  What   is  the  role  of  Does   the   woman  ’s   living   situation,   especially   her   economic
   the  First  Lady   regarding  emancipation  of   Women?  And  how   effective  is  status,  make  a  difference  in  her   responsibility  on  tackling  Family
   it?                                                          Planning?
   There   is   no   specific   role   for   the   First   Lady,   it   is   just   used   in   mere  The   Economic   status   of   women   plays   a   role   in   how   they   tackle
   Protocol,   it  Mrs.  Gihan   El-Sadat  was  the   first  to   pursue  roles   of  the  First  family   planning,   where   working   women   are   more   likely   take
   Lady,   after   the   close   relationships   that   was   tied   with   the   United   States,  prefer   family   planning   and   have   no   more   than   two   children,   on
   and  her  desire   to   walk  by  the  American   example,  she  was  succeeded  by  the   other   side,   non-working   women   would   want   to   have   more
   Mrs. Susan Mobarak, who played the same role as her predecessor, but in  children,   mainly   out   of   boredom   and   their   lack   of   sense   of
   the   meantime,   Mrs.   Entesar   El-Sisi   doesn  ’t   play   the   same   role   as   they  purpose   in   life,   and   so,   if   the   government   focused   on   the
   did,   and   only   abides   by   her   duties   as   the   Protocol   dictates,   and   if   the  emancipation   of   women   in   the   workforce,   this   will   affect   birth
   position  of  First  Lady,  plays   a  role  in  advocating  for  women   rights,  then  rates immensely as when women pursue their careers, they would
   it  is  only  bound   to   putting  forward   certain  topics   to   discussion,  this  was  find   a   sense   of   purpose   other   than   that   relating   only   to   having
   clear   in   the   era   of   President   Mobarak   and   was   only   pursued   by   Mrs.  children, and so birth control is not just related to the economic or
   Mobarak  to  achieve  her  own  personal  goals.    Currently  speaking,  I  th  ink  social   status   only,   but   also   to   the   amount   of   awareness   women
   that   the   discourse   adopted   by   President   Sisi   and   his   interest   in   women  have of their worth.
   rights,   is   a  great  push  for  the  call  for  women   rights,  substituting  the  role
   held  by  the  First  Lady  in  the  previous  eras,  the  greatest  example  for  that
                                                                Did the Arab Spring change the situation of Arab Women?
   is  his  dedication  of  a  whole  year  for  Women,  that  posed  an  obligation  on
                                                                After  the  Arab  Spring,   women  became   bolder   and   more  aware   of
   all decision makers to bear in mind women rights.
                                                                their   rights,   since   they   took   part   in   demonstrations   and

                                                                organization   of   public   patrols,   and   had   witnessed   their   men   in
     Which   aspect   plays   a   bigger   role   in   society  ’s   perception   of   women:
                                                                moments   of   weaknesses,   that   is   contrasting   to   the   view   of   the
     Religion or Culture?
                                                                “Strong  ”   man   that   is   embedded   in   the   culture,   where   man   is
     For me, I see our society as a pragmatic one, that would only abide by
                                                                viewed   as   the   all   powerful,   sole   caretaker,   of   the   family   that   the
     either religion or culture to pursue our own interests and benefits, this
                                                                woman should always depend on, but in the time of the revolution,
     includes   the   society  ’s  perception  for   women,  that   is   why  I  think   that
                                                                and the uncertainties that faced men and women alike, and the fear
     this   perception  can  be   easily  changed  specially   with  the  spread  of  the
                                                                that   entered  into  men  ’s  faces,  proved  to   women  that  they   are  both
     internet,   that   played   a   huge   role   in   the   emancipation   of   women   and
     calling   out   individuals   who   violate   their   rights,   for   example   the  equal  and  broke  the  image  that  was  embedded  in  their  minds  from
     backlash that Mohamed Salah faced after his support for Amr Warda,
     and   also   “Me  Too,  ”  that   pointed  out   the   former  President  of   the  IMF

     for his accusation of sexual assault, leading to the end of his career.

                              .Nehad Abol komsan's answers of the UPR side event   interventions
          the answers addressed three main topics about Egypt  ian women: Importance of quota for women in Egypt,   sexual
                                           harassment, and The Judicial Authority
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