Page 6 - Issue12-English
P. 6

      |P A G E  5                                   I Is ss su ue e   1 12 2- October 2019
                                                        This  is  because  there  was  interest  in  the   Yes, this is the reality, but those who
                                                       university   theater   where   Abdelmoneim  only  care  aboutpersonal  glory  are  not
                                                       Madbouly  was  in  charge  during  one  of  the  really  intellectuals,  but  they  are  semi-
                                                       periods. Nowadays, the person in charge is an  intellectuals. A real intellectual is the one
                                                       employee who has a limited budget and this is  who  leads  nation  not  the  person  who
                                                       what  affects  the  theatrical  work.  Although  I  chases prizes.
                                                       know there are many young talents whom I’ve
                                                       seen  their  work  during  university  festivals.   When you first read Elite, how was
                                                       They possess a great talent and can enrich the  your first impression?
                                                       Egyptian theater.                     The  main  observation  is  that  it’s
                                                                                           isolated from the public. Apart from that,
                                                        But  there  are  theatrical  experiences  such  it’s  characterized  by  simplification  of
                                                       as  “Masrah  Masr”  and  others  that  have  political  concepts.  In  addition  to,  you
                                                       large  audiences,  how  do  you  see  these  have  very  important  feature  which  is
                                                       experiences?                        having   the   real   elite,   university
                                                        The truth is that they are not theatrical works  professors.   They   include   Dr
                                                       as  there  is  no  text  but  rather  improvisations.  AleyEldinHelal and many other important
                                                       Though,  it  makes  audience  laugh  where  names.  I’d  also  like to  appraise the  fact
                                                       laughter  has  become  something  precious  that you grant, youth from the facultythe
                                                       nowadays.  However,  I  see  other  wonderful  opportunity  to  write.  They  really  have  a
                                                       works such as King Lear play for the big actor  linguistictalent and can write. This is not
                                                       Yahia  El  Fakhrany.  This  is  why  theater  in  common  in  young  people  of  this
                                                       Egypt needs more spotlight and because of the  generation as most of them do not know
                                                       contribution  of  the  Egyptian  art  in  the  classical Arabic.
                                                       advancement  of  Egypt.  At  one  point,  Egypt   What should we do to develop it?
                                                       was on the throne of Arab art, but this role has   You  have  to  increase  the  number  of
                                                       now receded.                        papers  of  the  magazine  by  adding  more
                                                                                           subjects.  This  definitely  requires  great
                                                        What  should  be  done  to  bring  back  the  capabilities. However, you are presenting
                                                       theater?                            the  best  in  light  of  your  current
                                                        It’s a national project where the nation should  capabilities.
                                                       pay art and be a partner rather than leaving it   Apart  from  the  magazine  space,
                                                       to  producers  with  no  supervision.  Art  in  the  what else do we need?
                                                       past  received  big  interest  aging  from   You need publicity outside the college

       One of Mr. Ayman Elhakim‟s work                 Abdelnasser’s days where he was a friend of  in   research   centers   perhaps   and
                                                       Om  Kalthum,  Abdelhalim,  and  many  others.  elsewhere.
                                                       He  was  following  the  cinema  and  this
                                                       definitely  had  a  major  contribution  to  the   At  the  end,  what  would  you  like  to
                                                       flourishment  of  the  Egyptian  art  which  is  say  to  the  faculty  of  economics  and
                                                       considered as Egypt’s real wealth.   political science?
                                                                                             The Faculty of Economics and Political
                                                        We  have  already  talked  with  one  of  the  Science  is  a  university  within  the
                                                       trustees of the Supreme Council for Culture  university. It is one of the oldest political
                                                       or you can say we asked him about one of  colleges in the Middle East where several
                                                       the  problems  of  culture.  He  said  the  main  political  figures  have  graduated  from  it.
                                                       problem  is  that  the  intellectuals  have  Thus, it has to provide more seminars and
                                                       become  isolated  from  the  community  and  this will benefit students a lot as science
                                                       busy with their own projects. Do you think  is not limited to books.
                                                       this is a true?
     O O u ur r    e e d di it t o or r s s     R Ra am my yMa a g g d d y y     a a n n d d     S S a a r r a a h h     N N a a s s r r     a a t t     T T h h e e
     Our editors RamyM Magdy and Sarah Nasr at The
                    B B B a a al l l l l l o o oo o on n n      t t t h h he e e a a at t tr r r e e e      E E En n nt t tr r r a a an n nc c c e e e

                                                                                     my with M Mr. Ayman in The
      A A Au u ud d di i ie e en n nc c ce e e     o o of f f     S S Se e ee e er r re e et t t     H H Ho o ob b b     P P Pl l la a ay y y     w w wr r ri i it t tt t te e en n n     b b by y y     Mr r . .      O O Ou u ur r r     E E Ed d di i it t to o or r r     i i in n n     C C Ch h hi i ie e ef f f     R R Ra a am my y   w wi it th h   Mr r . .     A A y y m ma an n   i in n   T Th he e
                                        M Mr.
                    man Elhakim
                       A A Ay y ym ma an n   E El lh ha ak ki im m                     T T Th h he e ea a at t tr r re e e     H H Ha a al l ll l l

       |P A G E  5                                  I Is ss su ue e   1 12 2- October 2019                        ELITE
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